Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 12 - Friday

Breakfast - 9:30am
1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB

Snack - 11:30am
1 small orange

Midday workout - 12:00pm
Cardio - 4 miles - speed work - treadmill

Lunch - 2:00pm
1 cup mixed rotini pasta in marinera sauce and brown rice
1/2 chicken, tomato, lettuce wrap

Snack - 4:00pm
1 small naval orange

Evening workout - 5:30pm

Dinner - 7:00pm
Salad (baby spinach, heirloom tomatoes, roquefort cheese, fresh basil, carrot, balsamic vinegar)
1 cup leftover brown rice and rotini pasta w/ marinera sauce
1/2 cup Basic 4 cereal w/ soymilk (dessert)

Note: I was going to wake up this morning to do some cardio but I must have been tired as I ended up sleeping in. So I moved my cardio to lunch time and then hit up some weights after work. I am excited that we are running 14 miles tomorrow on the Long Beach marathon course. I've been itching to run more than 12. It's been really hot here lately so I better run fast or get stuck in the heat which is already bad at 9am this morning. I have a ton of errands to run tomorrow so I will be doing that after my long run.

Note2: I decided to make dinner in tonight instead of going out to eat. Going to make it a dinner and movie night at home since I have a long run tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Eats Durian said...

ooh, the dinner sounds yummy!
pasta <3