Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 117 - Friday

Breakfast - 8:30am
1/2 PB & J sandwich on Orowheat potato bread

Snack - 10:30am
1/2 PB & J sandwich on Orowheat potato bread
Snack - 12:00pm
1 PB & J sandwich

Lunch - 2:00pm
1.5 cups of bowtie pasta in meat sauce

Snack - 3:00pm
1 cup melons (watermelon, cantaloup and honeydew)

Dinner - 7:00pm
PB & J Sandwich

Note: My diet these past few days have been sporadic to say the least. I've been eating random things like Pop Pan crackers for meals. Other things I've eaten include wonton shrimp noodle soup bowls from Costco, gatorade, OJ, muffins, danish, melons, oranges, strawberry popsicles, tofu pho...eaten sporadically and when my stomach was making noises since I've had no appetite.


Eats Durian said...

yum! pb & j!

Eats Durian said...

do you need groceries or are you just really into pb&j right now? 2 in one day!?