Friday, September 18, 2009


About 2 months ago I was shopping at Mother's Market preparing for my drive to to SF for the half marathon and saw these ginger chews (Royal Pacific Foods - The Ginger People). I gotta say that ginger is not one of my favorite things. Accidently biting into a piece of raw ginger is like death to me. I like the taste of ginger just not in it's raw form I guess. However, I do love the properties of ginger...especially the one that allivates nausea and motion sickness. I am no stranger to these two ailments so I decided to pick up a pack since the drive to SF is long (being in a moving car for many hours is not a good thing for me). I think I first saw or learned of this product on Run to Finish's site. I think she was giving some away. I remember thinking to myself...yuck..who would want that. Apparently, I would! These things are so yummy and addictive. They are chewy, warm tasting and the bag says that you can throw a couple of pieces into boiling water to make a ginger tea. If you do use it to make tea, you will need to throw in at least 3 pieces. I find it better if you make a cup of tea and then pop one of these into your mouth for that ginger flavor. Otherwise the flavor tends to be too weak unless you use a couple of pieces and they are 40 calories per 2 piece. I have a bag of this stuff at my desk at work because for no apparent reason, every once in a while, I would get nausea just sitting in front of my computer. Maybe it is the radiation from the monitor or something (that's a terrible thought). Anyways, I try to limit myself to 2 pieces at most at any one time but they are just so addictive.

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

oh I do love those! I still use them for flying and traveling especially!!