Thursday, October 8, 2009


So I've been blogging about everything else but clean eating or fitness. Yeah, those 2 things have totally gone to the wayside. Next week is my official return to clean eating and training. I've been feeling pretty terrible these past couple weeks since I've been mostly slacking off and being lazy. You would think that doing mostly nothing would make me feel good but it doesn't. There is nothing worse than the feeling of getting nothing done. I either need to find a balance, learn to enjoy my lazy times or just try not to get into this kind of funk.

Anyways, I haven't really been doing nothing. I mean I still go to work everyday and cook and do laundry. Which reminds me that I really really need to spend some time cleaning my apt. Back to what I was saying, so my new hobby as of late is crocheting. Actually, I've been in amigurumi which is a Japanese word for crochet/knit toys. I've been a knitter for a couple of years. I think I started in high school and knitted on and off over the years. I'm not the best knitter. I think I would be better if I did it continously but I get bored quickly so I have lots of unfinished products. My sisters make fun of me alot about my problem with starting up something and then not finishing it. Here are a few things I've knitted in the past: striped vest, multi-colored square blanket, chunky knit throw, a couple of scarves, couple of bunnies, baby blanket, baby booties, and countless other semi finished stuff. :s

So recently I was on the internet and came upon some really cute crochet toys and wished that I knew how to crochet so that I could make them. So one day a couple of weeks ago, I pulled out my yarn and started up an online video and crocheted along. In about an hour, I was able to crochet...yay! It helped that I already knew how to knit. Which in my opinion is alot harder than crocheting. Anyways, so these past couple of weeks, I've been crocheting toys. I should have some photos soon of some finished products. Yeah can you believe that, I actually finished some stuff. I use to have a gallery of stuff that I've knitted but I can't seem to remember where those photos are. Maybe they are lost forever. So keep on eye out on my finish stuff soon. Currently I am just making these toys for family members and maybe friends. They are pretty fast to complete but they still take time and patience. I would like to donate some of these this holiday if I have any extra stuff by then. Either that or I really should get a move on crochet more. Making these toys makes me happy. They are so adorable just sitting around my bedroom!

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