
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Parties Finale!

Last night I went to my last holiday party of the season and even though it was a little cold since it was held outdoors, the food was pretty awesome.

Fire dancer!

More fake gambling.

I'm telling you, I'm getting really good at this!

It's been fun but I'm kind of glad that it is over now. I have a ton of things left to do before Christmas and I haven't gone shopping yet. Yeah I'm THAT person this year. Someone shoot me now.

Surprisingly I did manage to get myself up at a reasonable time this morning to go for a run. I had 14 miles on the schedule but who are we kidding here. I didn't get to bed until 1am last night. I struggled a bit getting started and only had 9 miles in me today. I'm happy that I got some miles in. Now I'm off to fight the crowds and hopefully return with some stuff to wrap up. How did I let the holiday run all over me again. Next year I need to make sure that I start early and this time I'm going to mean it.

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