
Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Five Favs (12/16)

I was looking through my photos recently and noticed that it's been awhile since I've done a Friday Five Favs. At this rate, I should probably rename this to Quarterly Quality Quintettes. I made that up and it was bad but it is Friday and I got nothin'. Have to get ready in a couple of hours for holiday party number four. Should I get sloshed? Probably not a good idea since I have a long run in the morning. Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myself. Okay, let's get back to Friday five...

1) I love flowers! I started this collage at the beginning of 2011 and this is what I have now. These were either sent, given to me or that I purchased from the farmers market. Any day that I am surrounded by some flowers is a good day.

2) This is not my first pair of Injinis but I love these lightweight "no-show" ultra thin performance socks. I purchased 2 pairs recently and I always wear these on race days now.

3) I have some sun spots from running outside and I really like this Even Better lotion from Clinique that is suppose to erase spots. I don't know if it really "erases" them, more like lightly fades them. It is a slow process. Don't expect overnight results. It does lighten the spots but it takes time. 

4) Pomegranates the size of my dog's head! He was weird-ed out that I was using him as a unit of measurement.

5) Fake eyelashes! My eyelashes are nonexistent so I fake it. They are a pain to put on but are dramatic when you get them on correctly. They are not for everyday unless you have a lot of time on your hands or become an expect at getting them on quickly but they are fun for parties and special occasions. I love them! Which reminds me that I have to find some to slap on for tonight. Be back tomorrow to let you know how that long run went or not...

1 comment:

  1. I guess fake lashes are okay if you put them on right. One of the funniest things I've seen lately was at a poker table when some (old) lady's fake lashes started coming off. She kept on waving her hand in front of her face like people do when they run into spider webs. I guess she had no clue....
