
Monday, December 19, 2011

High Brow

Sometimes I can be very random. Today is one of those times. I feel like I should be writing about running or spinning or even some food I ate the other day but today I feel like talking about one of my secret obsessions. Yeah I have more than one. Today I'm going to talk about my eyebrows. Sometimes I obsess about my eyebrows. Sometimes=Always. I don't know why and it may be an OCD thing but it bothers me when my eyebrow hairs are not in place. Don't look at me like that I'm mostly normal. You may or may not know but I wear makeup like never. Okay, a couple times a year, like recently at my holiday parties. I really want to wear at least some but I'm tomboyish and I would rather devote my time to doing other things than putting makeup on. I pay for this by looking not so good on most days. Some days are worst than others. Anyhow, back to eyebrows. I went into a Sephora on my last trip up to San Francisco and picked up this brow kit by the queen of eyebrows herself Anastasia. She has a fancy shop in Beverly Hills that I probably can't even afford to get near so this is the closest I can get to well-manicured brows.

So the kit looks like this on the inside and comes with a stiff bristled brow brush and some stencils...

...and wax, brow powder to impart color and a brow highlighter for the area just beneath your brow hair. 

So this is what it looks like. I only did my right-eye (left side) for comparison purposes. Man, my eyes are blood shot for some reason. Wish my brows looked like that all the time. This took me a while to do as I am not that skilled at putting on makeup. For those who fill in their eyebrows regularly, this will probably take 1/4 the time it took me. I selected a stencil that was about the size and arch shape of my brows and used the brush to fill it in with the brow powder. There are about 10 stencils so there is one for every shape and size. Then I tweezed all the hairs outside of the stencil area and used the wax to make all the hairs lay flat and in the direction that I wanted them to be in. Then I just touched up with some more brow powder and filled in the area underneath the brow with the matte highlighting powder. I think I may have used a bit of the shimmery highlighting powder as well but not enough to show. 

I really enjoyed playing around with this kit but I'm too lazy to do this everyday but it makes my life easier for when I have to be presentable.

1 comment:

  1. I have this palette (as a review product) and haven't gotten such nice results. Obviously I know nothing.
