
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Goodbye Xin Loi Ba

So as I said in a previous post, I was going to cram as much into this weekend as possible so after my run this morning and some household chores, I went to the Veggie Grill for lunch.

I ordered the Crispy Chikin Sandwich with a side of Steamin' Kale with Miso-Ginger dressing. This was really amazing! Meat-lovin' dining companion had a bite and said that he can tell it wasn't really chicken but that it was really delicious. Still can't believe this was all vegan. My stomach was really happy!

I think meat-lovin' dining companion went next door to Chipotle and order a steak/chicken salad.

Then we went to the movies for another "double" feature, if you know what I mean. >_< We watched The Green Lantern and Bad Teacher. The Green Lantern was actually quite good and it was not only because of Ryan Reynolds. Sure he is easy on the eyes but the film was well made. What's not to like...Ryan Reynolds in skin tight superhero green tights...yes please!

Bad Teacher was actually my pick and it was pretty funny and everything that I thought it would be but somehow I thought it would be more than what it was. Not sure why but it is definitely a rental.

So MANY previews!

So MUCH popcorn!

After the movies, I had to make a stop at the Apple Store. Why?

Well, the Shuffle that I got for my birthday last year has been acting up lately. I know, I am having issue with another Shuffle...already. Why so soon? So I took it in and had the experts see if they could help me fix it. When they pulled up my info, I remembered that Sister K had named my Shuffle some random Vietnamese phrase (Xin Loi Ba). Why, Sister K? So embarrassing. LOL! Anyhow the experts informed me that I had water damaged. Curious because my device has never fallen into any water. I tried to explain to them that I run long distance and tend to sweat a lot when I am running for many hours. I also commented that I thought the device was meant to be used during exercise but maybe profuse sweating is not what they had in mind when they came up with the warranty. At first she told me that I could get a replacement for half the price that was paid for the original device seeing that they could not repair the one I had. I said okay but upon check-out she ended up replacing my device free of charge because she told me that she understood about the exercising and sweating. Apple is just awesome!

Right after I left the store, I saw one of the cart merchants selling Apple device accessories and cases so I ended up buying a sweat-proof armband for my new iPod Shuffle so that this will not happen least not anytime soon.

I'm really tired now. Night!

1 comment:

  1. my BF had the same problem with his ipod after a long sweaty run and Apple replaced it as well. Cool!
