
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celebrating The Fourth

I woke up this morning feeling like I've been hit by a bus but I always feel this way when I stay up past my bedtime. What am I...five? It was worth it though because celebrating the Fourth of July is big around these parts. For reasons unknown, this is one of the American holidays that my family celebrates in a big way. Perhaps it is because America gave us a new life when we fled here from Vietnam...but mostly I think it is because my dad just loves fireworks. Whatever the reason, the Fourth has always been filled with family, laughter, food and celebration at our house. Happy Birthday America!

Oh the food!!

My dad cooking up the most amazing food for an army on that small tiny grill I mentioned about before.

Photo credit to Sister K

Photo credit to Sister K

When it got dark, we broke out the fireworks!

My camera is not great at capturing images in the dark. 

The dogs all feared for their lives.

Me and Sister S and the dogs and Little Sister in the back ground.

My dad with some sparklers. He use to handle all the pyrotechnics when we were little but he mostly is a spectator these days enjoying the show.

Two-third of the pyrotechnics crew putting the final piece of firework in place.

This thing.

What an amazing evening!

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