
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Run

I am still enjoying those flowers sent by my not-so-secret admirer. The roses and lilies have opened up and they smell amazing! Today I turned on the air conditioner for the first time this summer and cleaned out my dresser and put all my winter clothes away. Yep, summer is here!

My not-so-secret admirer also made me dinner last night. This is amazing because he doesn't cook often so I enjoyed it thoroughly. Pan seared scallops, shrimp and sauteed mushroom and spinach. Yum! We talked about going to Yogurtland for dessert but decided to save the calories for all the food that we will likely be eating this weekend. So I had a mango for dessert.

Plus, I finally finished one of the hats for my niece who will be born around October. I hope that it will not be as warm then so that she will wear it. I am also working on some matching booties. I'll show those next week.

I was an hour late getting to the Back Bay this morning for my long run. I had wanted to get there at 6am to avoid the heat but my bed was just so comfortable. I finally go there a little before 7am and the Back Bay was covered in a fog.

By the time I finished my run, all the fog had burned off and it was a nice but very warm. It's going to be a warm one folks. Probably all weekend long. Stay cool and hydrate! Oh, so I manged to get in 11 miles. I was tired but felt great. I will pick it up another day.

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