
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Eve of Another Adventure

I said it before and I'll say it is really cramping my carefree blogging lifestyle. ;)

Luckily tomorrow will be the start of what I'm sure will be another fun weekend. Hey, life is what you make of it, right? So make it great!

Sister K is coming into town tomorrow evening and M planned something fun for the evening...I can't wait! Then an early morning flight up to San Francisco on Friday. Which means that I need to pack first thing I get home tonight...must.pack.bags! As long as I make sure that I get it done before I go to sleep. Oy, fitting everything I will need for the weekend in one carry-on is going to be interesting.

So SF Marathon training is coming to an end. Don't be sad because SF is not my final destination this training cycle, the Long Beach Marathon is actually the race that I am really training for. SF is just a means to an end. I am getting in my final last couple of runs before the big day. My spin instructor came back from vacation this past Tuesday so I am also spinning this week. He was right, I *am* addicted to spin now. I feel ready and excited and there is no better feeling than that before race day.

I've been trying to keep things healthy for the most know because of last weekend and because of the race. I've been sticking with the 3Ss (salads, sandwiches and soups). I'm currently loving the pre-packaged salads from Trader Joe's. I am already a fan of the Citrus Chicken Salad. This week I tried the Shrimp & Surimi (fake crab meat) salad and it was really tasty. Madison approved!

Also, a while back Julie of (A Case of the Runs) hosted a giveaway for a pair of Skechers Resistance Runners and I was the "runner" up winner...some pun intended. Thanks Julie! Anyhow, I got them in the mail today and am really excited to try them out. In fact, I am thinking of taking them to San Francisco and testing them out since I am not renting a car and will be "foot-mobiling" it everywhere. That's going to be a lot of walking! I will do a proper review on a later post. They are really, white and black...and the best part...they promote mid-foot strike, which I am working really hard to master.

That's all I have for now. It's going to be a busy couple of days but I hope to find some time to blog during my travels to share my San Francisco Marathon weekend experience. Speaking of which, I unfortunately/luckily discovered this week that there was a snafu with my registration. I say luckily because it would have been a lot worse had I found out at the expo. I panicked at first and after a couple of unanswered emails and phone calls, I reached out to Aron of (Runner's Rambles) and long story short, she is my hero! Hopefully I will make it to the Ferry Building come Saturday morning to thank her in person.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! Wow, those shoes came quick. I got an email from them... I think it was yesterday... to confirm your shoe size. Hope it's the right one!
