
Friday, February 25, 2011

Crown & Crumpet (Ghirardelli Square) - San Francisco

This is a bit back dated but better late then never, right? Right? Exactly. Two summers ago I was in San Francisco. It was not my first time there but it was my first time being there to run the San Francisco Half Marathon. It was also my first time at Ghirardelli Square. Now I'm not a huge chocolate fan. Gasp! I like chocolate, enough. I didn't come here on this day for chocolate...

...I came here to have afternoon tea at Crown & Crumpet. Pip pip cheerio and all that rot.

It was cutesy inside. I like cutesy.

Afternoon tea, oh how I love thee.

"Please no mobile phones. If we catch you using one, we will confiscate it and turn it into a crumpet." Gulp!

Fit for a princess.

It was the end of July, iced tea ruled over hot tea.

These sandwiches were just okay. Your average cucumber/cream cheese, egg salad, etc. Nothing notable.

These scones were tasty. Served warmed and was really buttery. They were pretty small. After I ate these two, I wanted just one more. What a pig, right?

Scone accompaniment: jam, lemon curd, butter and sweet cream.

Such a nice afternoon, I almost forgot I was there to run a race.

1 comment:

  1. Two summers ago? Haha, why did you wait so long? But I'm glad you posted about it...this place is freaking adorable!!! I love the tea sets!!
