
Saturday, February 26, 2011


Once again the weather people predicted doom and gloom for this weekend. Once again they were wrong. As I type this, it is currently nice, dry and sunny outside. What the heck? Are they ever going to get it right?

Due to my inability to deal with uncertainty, I decided to just run my 20-miler inside on the treadmill instead of waiting to see if/when it was going to rain a river. I packed the below items but only ended up using one GU, 1 Ultragen drink and I ate that Blueberry Muffin Larabar that Julie gave me last week. That bar is SO good. Could be my new favorite. Tastes very much like a blueberry muffin. Yum!

I decided to try out the Injinji socks I picked up last year at the Chicago Marathon expo. Yes, I've waited this long to try them out. I figure if they ended up bothering me that I could just stop the treadmill and change to regular socks. Never happened. They are awesome. I will post a proper review later on. 

So remember when I mentioned that I went to Lululemon to buy myself a new outfit to wear to the LA Marathon? Well, here it is. I've decided that I will wear something similar to this outfit. I purchased that tank top along with a marine colored one. The capris were from a previous visit. I really have to stop buying things from there. It is a terrible habit. 

This is where I spent 3 hours this morning. I hate to admit it but it was quite nice to run inside where the temperature was constant. No bugs to the face. My water, GUs, restroom within reach. Aside from the boring aspect of treadmill running, it was not as bad as I had envisioned. I don't want to make it a habit of doing my long runs here but I am less opposed to it now. To be honest, I miss my runner buddies. But I got it done. I should note that this is the first time I've ran this long/far on a treadmill. I had a lot of apprehension but it all worked out in the end.

I've never taken an AFTER running photo of myself in a restroom before but here I am in all my tired and sweaty glory.

Yep, nice and beautiful outside. 

With puffy white clouds, blue skies and nice running temperature. I am posting these photos because I am pretty pissed off that it is this nice outside and I ran inside because apparently it was going to rain cats and dogs and snow in some parts. Where? 

So I went through a big bottle of Smart water, a can of coconut juice, one Ultragen drink, 4 salt pills, 1 GU and maybe some more water. 

My recovery snack was this beet juice and that Blueberry Muffin Larabar. Tasted so good. I was starving. 

All that running made me feel a little less bad about eating this last night...

...and perhaps even some of this. I know, I am a bad cupcake!

1 comment:

  1. 20 miles on a treadmill. Wow. You *are* committed. Or crazy.

    You can down a couple of those cupcakes!
