
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gladiator Tough

I am short on time this week which is why I have not posted in a couple of days but I still wanted to write an update anyways. So over the weekend, instead of going out for a long run on Saturday morning, I went to a Gladiator Rock n Run sponsored workout at Innovative Results over in Costa Mesa. I had wanted to go for a run...really I did...but it was pouring rain when I got up and the decision to run in the rain or stay in my warm bed was an easy one. I've been following the Rock n Run on twitter for a while as I was kind of curious as to what it was and is also how I found out about this workout. So I just wanted to say that the workout was great! It was nice and difficult, just the way I like it. I was really sore all over for the next 2 days, but it was the good kind of sore, where you know you got a good workout in. Anyways, so this is what I do when I am not running. I love doing body weight type exercises or just workouts that do not require a lot of equipment. Anyways, after the workout, I must have been feeling too high in the sky because that very night, I decided to sign up for the Gladiator Rock n Run on December 4 in Irvine. Think obstacles, climbing, crawling, fire, being beaten with jousting sticks...general badass-ery and MUD! So yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Plus it is only about 3 miles of running involved, probably just running from one station of torture to the next. So more on that after I come back from the mud pit.

See? There I am in the first row all the way to the left of the photo.
Rock on!!
This is what it looked like outside last Saturday when I woke up.
So I went to the store and picked up a few things to make breakfast.
I made this. Yeah I'm just a simple gal.
Feel free to admire the deliciousness!
Then, I took my pup to get his teeth clean. This is not my pup, just a pail full of monkeys at the place where he was getting his teeth cleaned!
I saw the Beetles! They were handsome lads.
Biggest IPad and Netflix envelope ever!
GIANT Christmas tree! GIANT!
And this lovely spoon rester that Sister J brought back for me from San Antonio. Thank you!! I wanted one of these for the longest time and it is purple. WIN!
In case I don't get one more post in before the start of the holidays. I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is always a wonderful time at our house. I hope you all spend it with the ones you love. I'll be back either later this week or next week with a fun Thanksgiving posts. Don't eat too much! It'll only mean you have to run that much more after the fact! :D

In running related news, I will be starting my LA Marathon training very soon. I have some good races lined up for next Spring so I can't wait. Still need to find a couple more halves.

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