
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Great Year of Running!

The soreness from my legs are more bearable today. I must've been out of shape a bit because I didn't remember feeling this sore after Chicago. This past month of crazy work hours has taken a toll on my energy level resulting in less running. Which is probably why I am still feeling the affects of Sunday's race. Mind you, I had a wonderful time out there but was sad at how those hills ate me for breakfast. Instead of the other way around, can I even say that?

I am seriously thinking of going back next year to try to get a better course PR. That course reminded me a lot of my final leg of the Ragnar SoCal Race in which I ran 9 miles on the Laguna Beach Highway where people do not normally run...which is ridiculously cool to me. Except Malibu was much more windy and dusty, and of course longer which made it hotter, heat wise. I don't know what it is with me and running in such hot weather lately. I am actually kinda looking forward to running a cooler race soon.

So what's next? Well, I have my eye set on the Southern California Half Marathon in January. I am taking a closer look at this race because it is so close to my place that I can literally roll out of bed and start running. Ok, maybe running in my PJs is not the best idea but I can if I wanted to. Then I have the Surf City Half Marathon in February, LA Marathon in March. And trying to get my April races lined up, but having some race conflicts which I hope to resolve in the near future. Then I have Big Sur in May! And that's about as far as I want to think about for now. I had a great year of running in 2010!

13.1 Los Angeles Half Marathon

Surf City Half Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon

Laguna Hills Half Marathon

San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon

Nautica Triathlon Event - Run - 10K

Chicago Marathon

Malibu Marathon


  1. Cheers to another healthy year of running!

  2. Yey!!!! You are a rockstar!!! Congrats on another great year of running!! It must feel great to have accomplished all that you did!

  3. Socal Half is a *great* PR course. Flat flat flat. As long as the sind isn't howling (two years ago it was during a Santa Ana with 20 mph winds, gusts to 30). Maybe I'll see you there!
