
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bleep My Dad Makes (aka Cherished Family Recipes) - Pork Sparerib Ragout

I think I mentioned this before but my parents are greats cooks! They must know about a hundred recipes just off the top of their heads. Needless to say, I can't get this stuff at any restaurant, if only because my parents make it slightly different by adding a little of this or that. There is just something very special about a home cooked meal and the memories that it evokes. My parents made almost every single meal I ate as a child. We rarely went out to eat and it wasn't until I left home when I first went off to college did I realized how much I loved my parents cooking. This here, is one of my and my siblings favorite dish. It is simple, delicious and comforting. I can't remember if my mom made this dish first or my dad but on this occasion, my dad made it. My mom and dad both cook a lot of dishes and this may be the first of many more recipes that I record down from them. It is nothing fancy but I adore it.

Pork Spareribs with Carrots and Potato in Tomato Sauce (can also be made with chicken meat) - this is a variation of a French Ragout (Ragu)

1 cup dry pinto beans (soak for a couple of hours or overnight)
1 lb pork spareribs cut into cubes
2 tbsp oil (corn or canola)
1 tbsp chopped garlic
3 oz tomato paste
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp chicken bouillon powder
2 large carrots - sliced diagonal
2 large Yukon potatoes - quartered and cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1) Boil pinto beans for 15 mins or until mostly cooked.

2) Heat oil in wok on high heat and saute garlic for 15 seconds.

3) Put in pork spareribs and saute for a few seconds. Add tomato paste, oyster sauce, beans along with 1 cup of water that bean was boiled in, pepper and chicken bouillon.

4) Cover wok and turn down heat to medium-low for 20-25 minutes or until beans are tender.

5) Add carrots and potatoes and cooked covered for another 20-25 minutes. Serve over rice.

Note: Dad says that if you are using frozen pork spareribs from the freezer that you should boil on medium high heat for a few minutes until meat is no longer red. Then rinse in water to get rid of the boiling residue. This step is not needed if the meat is not frozen or is purchased on the same day.

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