
Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 7 of 17 - Marathon Training

It's only been 7 weeks since I started training for the Chicago Marathon and I gotta say that I am feeling fatigue. This past week I was suppose to accumulate 40 miles for the week and I only managed to get in 36.5 and that was a struggle. My long run for the week went from a planned 16 miles to a completed 12.

Basically, one of two things is happening:

1) I don't think I've ever trained this many miles in any given week...ever...since I started training for marathons. I am a firm believer in the "run less, run better" philosophy. However, this time around, I am doing something different and am actually trying to follow a training schedule and meet my weekly milages. For the most part, I've gotten very close every week.

2) Despite the fact that I've been slowly ramping up the milages week after week, I guess I am just not use to running this many miles. I've noticed that the quality of my running is suffering. I am running more miles but at a slower pace.

So, this week, I have to get in 41 miles but to be honest, I am pretty sure that is not happening since I have a lot of other things going on. I have a rough schedule mapped out on my training tab but I think I may end up doing some shorter faster runs and then do my 17 mile long run on Sunday. I definitely need a "break" this week. I was so tired last week, I actually took a nap in the middle of the day on Saturday instead of doing something productive. Time for a change in plans.

On to the food update, I've not really been cooking as much as I should. Aside from this rare photo of me cooking breakfast for my family recently, I've pretty much been eating stuff here and there. Mostly of the veggie variety. Mainly healthy stuff but I eat the same thing quite often so I'll spare you the details.

Some meals that I've really enjoyed. (home-cooked meal, bento box lunch at 118 degrees, baja crisp at 118 degrees, Indian food from my work caferteria)

(Veggie burger at The Counter, eggs and fruit at Knowlwoods, bowl of berries/chia/coconut milk, veggie sandwich w/ fruit bowl)

Note: I hope to get some product reviews up shortly and do a vegan cupcake post as soon as I find some time. I am also attending a foodie event in the next couple of weeks so there will be a post on that. I am also on a relay team for the upcoming Nautica Tri at Malibu. I did this event last year but will definitely blog about it again.

Upcoming post:
1) Product Reviews
2) Vegan Cupcakes
3) Foodie Event
4) Malibu Nautica Tri Relay Event


  1. Miles just for the sake of miles is never good. As long as you on't scrimp on the long run you'll be fine.

  2. Keep listening to your body! It knows what it needs!

    Bento box lunch looks really good! We don't have anything like that around here :(

    I look forward to your Vegan Cupcakes & Reviews!!!
