
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cupcake Wishes and Vegan Dessert Dreams

Remember that show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? That show always left me with a feeling of "wanting"! The way a regular cake shop makes me feel when I walk in and cannot eat most of things in there. Mainly because I cannot have dairy. Yes, I whine about it everyday because once upon a time, I was able to eat dairy! Those were the days...come back!!

But now...some of my dessert dreams are about to come true. So this may be the end of my no dairy whining. More on that later...

But first...look who came to visit...yes that's Sister K! I love when Sister K visits because she loves to do everything and she gets me to do a lot of stuff that I normally am too lazy to go do by myself. She is really good company since I don't have a lot of friends that I get along with.

And look...she got me a present and it is not even my birthday! So nice of her! Look at the exquisite wrapping and the amazingly cute card she made. So talented. What can it be?

Vegan dessert recipe books!! Yay!! I cannot wait to make these. So excited! Hopefully I will have time to make some this weekend. You will definitely see some baking going on soon. I told you my vegan dessert dreams are about to come true. I saw some vegan cupcakes at the Mother's Market the other day for $3.99 each and they were small. WTHeck?!?

After I picked up Sister K from the train station we went to have lunch at a local Japanese noodle type restaurant. I had some hot sansai (japanese mountain vegetable) udon and Sister K is showing off her cold soba noodles with Yamakake (grated mountain potato).


  1. Um, I am excited to SEE you make the vegan desserts...and then try them out!!! Yey!! And, Look how hott you are, girl in those pics...really!!

    Soba Noodles <3

    Laury (The Fitness Dish)

  2. you must tell me how the vegan desserts and cupcakes turn out!!

    And those noodles look so tasty!!!
