
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Seabirds - Vegan Food Truck - OC

Food Trucks...oh what can I say about them. I'm fairly new to the whole food truck craze that I think first started back in '08. Well, let me clarify. The concept is not new as food trucks or "roach coaches" have been around ever since I can remember. Although they didn't use to be "cool." Back then people mainly ate from food trucks when they didn't have much time for lunch and had to get something quick and cheap (like construction workers or people stuck at traffic school or jury duty or hospital workers). Nowadays, food trucks are suddenly the bee's knees. I think Kogi BBQ was the one that started this revolution. Yet, I am not sure what all the fuss is about. I've eaten at a couple, here is my review on Kogi. I find the food to be mostly ok but not earth shattering. For the most part, it is pretty inconvenient to have to stand or "pop-a-squat" to eat your food. Most often in the middle of the day during lunch hour in the heat or worse sitting in your car where sauce can drip everywhere. Yeah, again, maybe it is just me but I just don't see it.

Having said all this, there is something to be said about chasing down your next meal. I mean, I get the sensation of skiing down an Alpine Slope every time I bite into....wait...that's something else. Anyways, I love the hunt. Here's an idea, someone should set up a red velvet cupcake truck and call it The Red October. That way, when I go looking for it, I can just tell people that I'm on the hunt for Red October. I's genius..don't steal my idea. Anyhow, I love finding out about the trucks and going to hunt them down when they are within a reasonable distance from me. If you ask me, it is all very primitive. The whole chasing down your food..hahaha.

So on this fine day, I was looking for something to eat for lunch and did a little web surfing and found that The Seabirds - an organic vegan truck was parked near by. So I went on the hunt for it and found it fairly quickly. As with Kogi, there are just a couple of items on the menu but The Seabirds boost local organic farm fresh produce. Music to my ears. So I got my old standby, 2 BBQ tofu tacos.

Here are the tofu tacos. Looks lovely right? Well looks are deceiving because they were just okay and it wasn't because they were healthy either. They were really salty and on top of that the truck worker that took my order was pretty grumpy and there weren't even that many people in line and it was a nice over-casted day...I mean really? I asked if they had any cupcakes because I read on their site that they recently started selling them on the truck and the person taking my order just scoffed at me like I was barking up the wrong tree. Not sure why...I asked nicely and there was a sign on the truck advertising cupcakes. Anyways, I really wanted to like this truck...I mean c'mon...vegan food rare...but I won't be going back anytime soon. So very sad.

Tomorrow, I am on the hunt again. Found out a group of trucks will be near me. Will be back to report my findings with hopefully a full and happy belly! :)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the boom is over? They seem to be all over the place. Kind of like what's happening in the frozen yogurt market these days.
