
Friday, July 2, 2010

Long Weekend...Here I Come!

I took the day off from work today (yiippee) but I'm going to make sure that I make the most of my day off. Woke up this morning semi early at 7:30, which is pretty good for a non work or long run After I walked my pup, I headed out the door for a race pace 6 mile run. Turns out I only felt like running easy, so I did 5.5 easy miles at 9 min/mile place. It was nice but still too humid outside for me to call it a nice day to run. It started getting hot halfway through my run which was why I cut it short early. That and I have a 13 miler tomorrow and I didn't want to wear myself out too much. After my run, I grab a quick shower, threw on a mask, relaxed a bit and cleaned my place (it's a total mess). Then I made myself a nice green juice. I have a couple more errands to run in a little bit and then it's lunch time.

I am feeling kinda tired after my run this morning but I am determined to get my long run in tomorrow. I hope it will be less humid. Yeah, nothing much happening here today folks. Thank you and come again. I leave you with some photos.

Photo: Purple hydrangeas from my parents' yard

Photo: my parents' cat (Meow-mie) being goofy

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