
Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Made Dinner!

Yeah it's just dinner, but I made it so it's a great accomplishment to me. I've been in a real dinner making slump lately and have been just eating random things here and there. Luckily, I don't eat much so my wallet hasn't really felt the pain. But earlier in the week, I was sitting in my work cafeteria eating something when I discovered that one of the items on the plate had dairy in it. It was well hidden, but I could tell it was there because it tasted delicious, lol. Actually, I've been having lots of issues with making sure that my food is dairy-free and it is really hard to manage when you eat out. I don't know why but more often than not, I will get the strangest looks when I ask if something has dairy in it. Sometimes, I think they either don't understand what I am getting at or they are just not used to being asked often enough. Sometimes I will have to ask specifically if it has milk or butter or cream, individually..literally have to run down a list of dairy items. It's crazy. Sometimes even after all that, I still find dairy in my food. I throw my hands up in dispair!

So, I figure it is probably time to start cooking my own food again. So I made Snobby Joes (vegan Sloppy Joes). I got the idea and recipe from here. I also roasted some brussel sprouts and cauliflower to go with the Snobby Joes.

I know a couple of people who would probably look at this dish and ask where the main dish was..haha! It was good and filled me up but let's be honest it's not ramen!

On the running front, I went out for 4.5 miles of hilly/humid running this morning. It was gross outside and those hills were just kicking my ass left and right. Glad it's done! Six planned for tomorrow and 13 for Saturday. Let's see how much of that I actually get in.

Photo: Very full pan of pre-roasted brussel sprouts and cauliflower

Photo: Finish product!


  1. I've been wanting to make this sort of dish. Nice to see someone else who would endorse my vegan or at least dairy-free meals!

  2. you're right dairy *IS* delicious. makes my tummy so unhappy though. :p

  3. Believe it or not - you just hit a couple of my favorite veggies fixed my favorite way! Maybe with a splash of basalmic vinegar. Yummy! When's dinner?
