
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chasing Kogi!

Just catching up as I am always a dollar short and a day late. Last Friday, I took a day off work to extend my weekend and to do none other than catch up on errands that I have been neglecting due to work and all this running that I've been doing. Yeah, I am actually taking my running seriously for once. An example, yesterday, I almost bailed on track practice. I mean, I really really didn't want to go but I went. I didn't feel good about that decision until today when I thought to myself, how glad I was that I had gone. Does track ever get easy? I've been going for 3 weeks now and it feels like it just gets harder every week. I will continue to go every week until my race in October. I don't want to look back and regret that I didn't put everything I had into my preparation. We did 12 rounds of 400s with 2 mins of rest in between. For the most part I clocked in mostly 1:36s (96 sec laps).

In food news, I don't think I've ever talked about this on the blog before but I've been trying to catch the Kogi Truck for quite some time now. Well not actively trying, except for once when I actually followed them on Twitter, tracked them down, only to be greeted by the longest line of people waiting to buy food from a truck that I have ever seen. I ditched that line quick and vowed never to be so gullible again. But in the back of my mind, I was still curious to try Kogi's offerings. Well, last Friday, during my day off, I went to get my car washed and there it was. The Kogi truck just parked there at the car wash with no lines. No lines people! So I went up to the order window and ordered a spicy tofu taco and I ate it and thought it was tasty but not enough to stand in line for. Who do they think they are...Apple?

Photo: up close and personal with the Kogi truck (Orange)

Spicy tofu taco

Added 4/8/2011 - Tofu Tacos - same as above but this time I noticed how salty these tacos are. I hadn't noticed it before.

Added 4/8/2011 - Short rib tacos - also very salty, maybe it was the kimchi.


  1. I cant believe there wasnt a line for the Kogi truck???? what is the world coming to? I've never had it either....and I refuse to stand in line as well!

  2. That looks yummy.

    That 12x400 workout is a lot like (or exactly) what I used to run during practice on Mondays when I did track. Yes, back then I somehow clocked in at 80-90 seconds. Not sure if I could or would want to do that now.

  3. I've never heard of kogi. What all do they serve? Is it like the ice cream truck but better????

  4. I've been trying to find Kogi when the trucks are close (they have a Twitter) but just haven't made it yet. My son has though, and his review is the same as yours. Good - but not good enough to wait in line for...
