
Monday, July 12, 2010

Yes, I do eat alot.

This past weekend was one of my non-traveling ones. Meaning that I didn't go visit my parents or had to run a race. I really love these so-called "free" weekend when I don't have to answer to anyone and can just be lazy. I'm sure that if I didn't have anything else going on in my life all the time, this could get boring but it is so nice to have a weekend to myself once in a while. So what did I do? Well I started my weekend like every other weekend lately by going for a long run on Saturday morning. I woke up kinda late but since it has been over-casted here lately, I was still good to go. So I went out the door for a planned 14 mile run. It went ok, except I misjudged the distance of a new route and ended up doing about 15.25 with some walking at the end because quite frankly, I was just tired. Thank goodness this is a scale back week and I only have a 10 miler this coming weekend. I am going to take advantage of this low milage week to recover a bit because the next 2 weeks will be a 16 miler, follow by a 17 miler. WTHeck, I want to crawl into my bed and never come out again!

On to more important things...FOOD! So aside from the running, there was food. Ok, I was not eating healthy this weekend, I admit, but I wasn't a pig as this post may suggest. lol. I ended up at Lucille's BBQ on Sunday night because my dining companion felt inclined to get some pulled-pork after watching the Food Network one hour too long and also this place was across the street from the movie theater that I eventually went to and watched Eclipse. I will spare everyone of the details of the movie! ;)

Photo: I just wanted to point out that my dinner was the baked beans and one biscuit (it wasn't to die for). I may have had a taste of the pork..hehe.

So this section of my post is inspired by Glenn who informed me that this Mentatsu place had some good ramen. I was hungry Sunday around lunch time and since I was out and about running errands, I thought that I would stop in and try this place out. I want to first say that I am not coming back here again. Mainly because as soon as I walked into this place, it had a strange smell. I can only describe it as boiled pork boned. But it was strong and got even worse when they seated me at the bar which was directly in front of the kitchen door. I thought I was going to lose my lunch before I even ate it. Luckily when my food came out, the process of eating distracted me from the smell. Either that or I was subconsciencesly trying to not breathe too deeply. LOL. The ramen was just ok. The noodle was chewy but the broth was pretty craptacular. I've had way better in places that I will also not be going back too again either. I really wanted to like this place too. Oh well.

Photo: Shoyu ramen

Photo: burger and fries (Knowlwoods) - not my food, my lunch was the mahi mahi tacos, 2 juicy plums from the farmers market, japanese pancake with red bean filling (front and side angle), bowl of delicious gruel I eat for breakfast every morning, organic bananas because I really dig organic produce now, and a mango necterine that looks like a nectarine but tastes like a mango.

Photo: I also ran into this guy in front of the movie theater. He was dressed to impress. That Please Keep Off!! sign is only for show because shortly after I took this photo, 3 kids were climbing all over him. And no, I was not one of them.


  1. hey I saw one of those mickey's at union station except it was for the pirates; I didn't take a photo though since I was pretty travel weary by then

  2. Food is FUEL!!! You are awesome!!! Poor are always walking all over him :/
