
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sheesh The Holidays!

On the first day of vacation I woke up really late. So my planned run will have to wait. Haha, I made it rhyme. Anyhow, I decided to save my energy to finish up some shopping I still had left and lots of wrapping that needed to be done.

No work means pancakes for breakfast!

Then I came here to shop. It was a madhouse. Aren't people suppose to be at work on a Wednesday? That was the sole reason I took time off work, so that I could shop in peace. I guess everyone else had the same idea. Bugger!

Fighting crowds, walking around for hours and standing in endless lines made me hungry so I went into Red Robins for a bite to eat. Believe it or not, this was my first time eating at a Red Robin. I wanted to eat badly but instead decided to have a grilled chicken salad. It wasn't half bad. I didn't really care for the iceberg lettuce but the crisp chopped apples and the candied walnuts classed this salad up a tiny bit.

The bottomless steak fries they serve here with all their burgers and sandwiches are pretty amazing!

I didn't do anything too exciting today but finishing up my Christmas shopping and getting most of the stuff wrapped is pretty exciting to me because now I get to relax tomorrow!

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