
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Construction

Last year on this date my sisters and I worked on this gingerbread house kit. I didn't have time to post about it at the time but today is as good a time as any. Looking at these photos made me realized that I fell off the baking wagon around March this year. I had challenged myself to bake something at least once a month but that only lasted until March. Oh well. 

I think we picked up this kit at Michael's Arts and Craft or Trader Joe's. Can't remember now.

Everything started out okay...

...but this is harder than it looks. I had to enlist the help of Sister J to hold up the walls as I applied more icing to kept the walls up. The roof kept sliding off too. You need to stick a couple of toothpicks in there to hold it up.

Little Sister was doing all the detail work. Thank goodness because that looked tedious.

Putting snow on the roof. This made the roof even heavier. I was afraid the whole thing was going to slide down.

Sister S doing some nice detail work on the roof.

Nice, right?

Here's the finish product. I'm embarrassed to say that I did the frosting. It started melting for some reason and it was cold as heck at my parents' place!

Oh well, we had fun putting it together but we won't be getting into construction any time soon.


  1. When does the eating commence? I love gingerbread!

  2. Glenn: haha, it's all you. I'm not a fan of gingerbread.
