
Monday, September 12, 2011

Big Shopping in Little Chinatown

On Sunday the sisters and I had to make a trip here...

Mainly to look at stuff like this...for Halloween! Remember me telling you that we love Halloween around these parts. We do!

But first lunch! More on this place at a later post. TDF=to die for!

We thought about eating here...until we saw the line! Sad!

On the walk to the restaurant, we saw this...I can only assume it is some sort of "dog pile"?

It was located right across from this place...the Japanese American Museum.

After lunch, we made the short drive to Chinatown and passed by Philippe's, home of the famous french dipped sandwich. I haven't eaten here before but that will change soon.

We finally made it to Chinatown.

There was lots of shopping going on...

...until we spotted a snack truck...that specialized in Raspados!

Umm, haha...of course I got in line.

Photo taken by Sister S.

Diablito! Sour, Salty, Icy...I must stop eating stuff like this.

After this one I mean.

Photo taken by Sister S.

There was some sort of break dancing competition going on that day.

More walking and shopping...

...and eating! We ended up finding lots of items we needed for our costumes.

My parents made another amazing dinner later on that evening.

Lobster! Can't believe my dad made this. It was TDF!

1 comment:

  1. If you think the line outside of Daikokuya is bad -wait until you get inside! Jammed with people, no room, and no air conditioning! Thank goodness the ramen is good!
