
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apple Lane Orchards - Solvang, CA

I have to admit that this was the first time that I've ever been to an orchard. Growing up, my dad had an amazing green thumb so our backyard was like a little farm complete with fruit trees and all so I never felt the need to go see an actual orchard. Not that I wasn't interested, just never had the opportunity.

This is adorable to me. 

These Gala apples were so fresh and crisp. Never knew apples could taste so fresh.  I should have purchased more than I did, I have non-buying remorse now.

There were a couple patches of pumpkins growing on the ground around the apple trees. For Halloween? 

Back to the apples. 

I've never seen so many different kinds of apple trees all in one place before.

These were not ready...but they will be soon!

 We were lazy and short on time so we just bought some that were already picked.

Then we were on the road again, headed to our final activity in Santa Barbara. An oldie but a goodie. The 154 connects Solvang to Santa Barbara and it is an amazing drive with some spectacular scenery!

Apple Lane Orchard
1200 Alamo Pintado Road
Solvang, CA 93463-9759
(805) 686-5858

1 comment:

  1. There are apple orchards close to home -just north of Yucaipa (out by Redlands) in Oak Glen.
