
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Five Favs (08/12)

I'm doing another Friday Favs posting. I think this is my second one. I'm pretty backed up with my postings this week but sooner or later I will get them done. It's been a long and busy week but here are a few things that really cheered me up.

1) Those boots I ordered from Aerosoles finally arrived today! Yay!

And I LOVE them!

2) I finally got around to buying an external drive to back-up my increasing number of photos!

Isn't it a thing of beauty?

3) Rambutan! A tropical fruit similar to the lychee but in my opinion about 10x better. I *heart* these! I can probably eat a truck full. I want to thank my daddy for buying them this past weekend. I think I ate half of the family's stash! @_@

4) These crackers that I picked up from the Cowgirl Creamery in SF a few weeks ago. So good! Note to self to get more when I am there next.

5) Finally, this is a red velvet cupcake from Susie Cakes. They are celebrating their 5th birthday this weekend. You know where I'll be! ;)

I have a long run planned for tomorrow. I don't know how many miles I'll do since only two weeks ago, I ran a marathon but Long Beach is coming up so I need to get in gear. Be back tomorrow to report. Happy Friday!!

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