
Friday, May 20, 2011

Eat This, Not That

It's Friday and I'm tired so I'm just going to ramble, most likely about running and food. First off...running. I'm currently 2 weeks out from the Ojai Marathon and tomorrow I'm planning to go out to do my second to the last long run. It should be good. I'm going to run it like I've never run it before because apparently the world is going to end tomorrow so I have to make it count.

Recently the writers over at the OC Weekly did an article half jokingly of what their last meal would know because of the Rapture thing. I actually think about this all the time. My last meal, not the Rapture thing. I've eaten so many wonderful things in my life that it would be hard for me to narrow it down to just one. Plus, I'm almost certain there are foods out there that are beyond my expectations that I just haven't had the fortune of eating yet. So unfortunately I cannot at the moment let you know what my last meal would be. It just wouldn't be fair to all the future foods that I have not eaten yet. And mostly, I'm about being fair, at least when food is involved. Although, there is a very good chance that I will likely do another one of my Top 10 Delicious things I ate in 20xx round-up.

Speaking of food, I must say that sometimes being a runner is not all that it's cracked up to be. I use to think that running gave me a free pass to eat anything I wanted. Well that was yesterday and today is a new day. I'm rambling again but I am writing this passage because I was looking at some of the photos on my camera of the foods I ate this week and they were so drastically different that it made me realize that I've been living fast and loose with my fork. For the most part I try to eat stuff that look like this...

...and every once in a while, I find something like this in front of me. This dish is currently sitting at the bottom of my stomach as I write this. This is a Baby Lobster roll from a restaurant that I will be writing a review about soon. It is one of the most decadent things I ate this week. It is a roll filled with lobster meat, topped with more lobster meat covered in teriyaki and avocado sauce and topped with green onions. It tasted amazing but so heavy! Definitely not something you should be eating every day. Unless the world is coming to an end of course.

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