
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend Recap

It's the middle of the week and I am just getting around to posting about last weekend...I am so behind but I really wanted to share some fun photos and stuff that I did. I attended a couple of kids birthday parties, got to reunite with some high school friends that I had not seen in a very long time and even clowned around at IKEA. Here's how it all went down. Alotta photos to get through, so let's get started.

The weekend started off here. Well, the weekend technically started when I went out for my long run of 20 miles and only completed 16 due to dehydration. But eventually I ended up here to buy some presents for some cute kids who's birthdays was last weekend.
One boy gift and one girl gift. I'm a pro at gift bag stuffing now! :)
The spread at the first party.
This must have been the carb table.
Here are some hamburger condiments but I don't remember there being any hamburgers...very strange!
This was an ice cream cake, so I can't tell you how it was.
After the birthday party, I found out that the International Food Fair was just a few blocks away. So, I made my way there but it was crowded and full of very drunk college kids. And the only food stalls were Northern European type food (think Bratwurst) and lots of beer. But it was just too crowded, so I ended up just leaving after I walked to the end.
On the way back to my car, I managed to this spy this cupcake store (The Perfect Circle Cupcakery) amongst the crowds. They were a competitor on The Food Network's Cupcake War. They were selling 3 mini cupcakes for $5. I got red velvet, coconut and banana. These cupcakes were just ok for me. The one on the left, the banana cupcake was the best of the three, maybe because I've never had a banana cupcake before.
The next day, I was at this party. Under the Sea themed.
Complete with a starfish(?) pinata. There was so many good foods at this party but I must have been too busy eating and forgot to get a photo. This was the birthday of one of my high school friend's daughter. So many of my high school friends ended up showing up to this party that it was like a mini high school reunion. It was really nice to catch up with everyone. I haven't seen them in ages. It was a lovely day.
This cake was really amazing. It was chocolate with some sort of chocolate mocha cream filling.
Later that evening, I was at Sister S's home hanging out. Pizza and these cinna-stix may have been ordered. I many have had one too many. Let's not talk about this any more.
I am also crocheting again and am in the process of making a throw. This was all I had done on this day.
The next morning, my mommy made me breakfast, egg sandwich on french bread, one of my favorites.
Then Sister J showed me her Disneyland Half Marathon medal, so I snapped a photo because I really wanted one. It is as rad as it seems.
Then I went over to Sister S's home again to pick her up to go to IKEA. She got coffee for everyone! What a morning angel she is!
Goofing around and having fake tea at IKEA.
Managed to coherence the sisters into goofing around but they would have none of it. This was the only photo I was able to convince them to pose for.
While driving around trying to locate a Target bargain we had seen in the papers that morning, we saw this fruit guy who just so happened to be stationed in front of a Target store.
Of course we got some. Cut up fresh fruit in lime and chili powder sauce...yes please!
I am obviously happy with my purchase. I shared this with 3 other people and it was still way too much fruit.
Finally, this is my Dad. I love this photo because he looks happy. In front of Dad is THE largest peach that has ever graced our household. The peach will forever live in infamy. THE END!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. Based on the number and types of cakes that you seem to find, I should be hanging out wih you!

    Looks like a great weekend!
