
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't Poop Out on Long Runs...Use Ultragen!

If you've ever struggled towards the second half of a long run (13+ miles), this stuff is for you! Ultragen is a post workout recovery drink but it also works great if you take it during your long runs or rides. Click on the link to read more about it. I used to use Recoverite until I found this stuff. Ultragen is a product from the company First Endurance and they made this stuff specifically for endurance events and it works! I purchased the Orange Creamsicle flavor but it also comes in Tropical Punch and Cappuccino. I can't comment to the taste of the other two but the Orange Creamsicle flavor is not as tasty as it sounds. I drink it because of what it does, not how it taste, if you get my drift. The product info says that mixing Ultragen with anything else but water will slow down absorption, so don't do it. You want this stuff to kick in when you need it. I haven't used this stuff in a while, mainly because I forgot I had it. Recently on a 16 mile run, I decided to use it again and it just always amazes me how well this stuff works. Go to the link and read up on it. Very interesting scientific stuff that explains how and why this stuff works.

1 comment:

  1. I use one called Surge from a company called Biotest. It was recommended by one of my son's rowing coaches (former Olympian). The best part is it tastes like cake batter!
