
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2010 Nautica Malibu Triathlon - Relay

Date: September 11, 2010
Start: 7:00am (swim wave start)
Goal: Aiming for 46-48 mins (10K)
Finish: No official time because my team was DQ since our swimmer DNF. Cannot locate my run time since record appears to be lost. 

Last year I took part in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon for the first time mainly because my company sponsored a couple of relay teams and I volunteered to be a runner on one of those teams doing the Olympic distance (0.9 mi swim, 24.8 mi bike, 6.2 mi run). After completing that event, I remembered I was so pumped up that I wanted to do the whole thing myself and for 2 seconds I really thought I could.

I am doing this event again this year and obviously I have not been training for a tri so once again I will be a runner on one of the relay teams. I haven't really been practicing for this as I already run a lot. I just need to pick up the pace a bit. I hope to clock some sub-8 minute miles in this event so I am going to track for sure next week. I've been missing track lately because my marathon training milages have been creeping up ever so quickly that my body is having a hard time keeping up with increasing milages and speed. I had to give something up and that turned out to be track practice.

I will update this post after the event with stats and photos from the weekend. It's been awhile since I've raced, time to dust off those safety pins and D-tag...oh wait, I a relay triathlon, you have these ankle bracelets that you pass on to the next person once you are done with your event. So, by the time the runner (me) gets it, it is soaked with seawater and sweat...awesome (not)! Also unfortunate is the fact that celebrities like to do this event but they all sign up for the sprint tri which occurs on a Sunday  the Olympic distance (the one I am a part of) happens on a Saturday. So I always miss seeing famous people sweat it out. Bummer!

Update: So I took part in the Nautica Malibu Tri Relay event this past Saturday but our swimmer DNF so we were DQed. I still did the run part of 6.2 miles and probably ran some nice 8 min/miles but I took it easy since I knew we were DQed. I had a really fun weekend aside from the DQ thing.

So I started my weekend last Friday by going to visit my mecca, The Nike Outlet store in Camarillo.

So this is what heaven looks like to me.

I came here to buy just those black and white tempo shorts but I also ended up buying that white warm-up jacket and a gray short sleeved casual shirt.

Sister K on a large Garfield kiddie ride.

We took a break from shopping for a little lunch/snack break.

Yum, watermelon!

With dessert, of course. This was a PB log from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. This was essentially a peanut butter cup in a stick form. It was some good eats!

I thought these little guys were so cute.

Look at the cuteness.

Sister K and I had dinner here. I will likely do a separate post on this place since I have a ton of photos to cram into this post.

The Nautica volunteers wrote my bib number on my arm. Not sure why they did that since I wasn't going into the water or anything. It's weird but almost no one asked me about it. Like it is so normal for someone to go around with numbers written on their arm.

The Nautica volunteers wrote my bib number on my arm. Not sure why they did that since I wasn't going into the water or anything. It's weird but almost no one asked me about it. Like it is so normal for someone to go around with numbers written on their arm.

Here is this year's medal. Looks almost the same as last year's except for the year change. I got to keep the medal again this year since I was the runner again.

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