
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ragnar Relay - Los Angeles - 200 miles of running madness!

Not sure if I have mentioned about this event in any previous blog entries but consider this my official announcement that I am knees deep involved in this event.

Not really sure what I was thinking when I agreed to do this with 11 coworkers a couple of months ago but I figured if nothing else, I would get to know them better...the good, the bad and the ugly. Yes, I will get to know their post workout stink and what they will be like with little to no sleep for 2 days. Yeah, it's going to be fun times. :s Yes, we signed up as a coed team so you can bet there will be lots of post workout funk. Yes folks, the distance doesn't phaze me, neither does the no sleeping part...but the stink, I don't know if I will be able to cope with that. Maybe I will get lucky and get a stuffy nose those two days. Yep, I can only hope.

Ok, well now that I've laid all my fears out for the world to read, I can get to the important stuff, which is what I will do to prepare for this event. So this event is exactly 3 weeks from tomorrow. It will start on Friday in Ventura and end on Saturday in Dana Point. I have already started on a packing list. Let me tell you it is extensive. Not sure how I am going to fit all that stuff in the van. I hope everyone else packs light.

Finally, next week, we are planning to go into full-on Ragnar training, which is basically back-to-back training runs. First run will be in the morning, second run will be after work and third run will be the next morning. It would probably be more true to life if we only get 3-4 hours of sleep between the evening and next morning run...I'm just sayin'. I am having lots of anxiety about running in the dark in the middle of the night. I am afraid of the dark!

So, that's it. I will probably be talking more about the prep in the coming days/weeks or you may never hear about this again.

In other news, I am thinking about running the Seal Beach 10K next weekend. It's been forever and a half since I've ran a 10K. My only concern is that I've only ran once since the LA Marathon. Once. We shall see!


  1. ohh how jealous am I!! I love these relays. Hopefully I'll get to another one in the winter!

  2. I know a *bunch* of people running Ragnar. Sounds like a lot of fun!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems with motivation to go out and hit the trails. I'm going out this morning (Saturday) but more to support (laugh) at the people in my running club (Cal Coast) doing their 20 miler for the OC Marathon than seriously training. I just can't seem to light the flame....

  3. Wow!! This is pretty exciting!

    I also have a huge fear of the dark and can't even walk my dog when it is dark and I am alone!

    Have a great day


  4. BTW - it costs $99 per year to join Cal Coast. You can find more at their website - They meet 3 times a week - Tuesdays at CdM High for intervals, Thursday at In-n-out across from UCI for tempo runs, and Saturdays at CdM High School for long runs.

    I also belong to Socal Trailheadz (, which is a much more social club and a little less serious about PRs and seconds.....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tough love for sure! Intervals with Cal Coast are every Tuesday at 5:45PM at CdM High School - close to UCI.

    This Saturday I'm sure they will be running the back bay. I'm going to skip them Saturday and run with my Trailheadz group in El Moro. 12 to 15 mile trail run....
