
Monday, March 29, 2010

Another Beautiful Weekend in S. Cali!

Well, it was such a beautiful weekend that I skipped out on my 8-10 mile run this past Saturday..haha. I did anything but run. I took photos of plants in my dad's yard, I went to buy candles, I ate ramen at Santouka with Sister K., purchased and ate some Sakura mochi from Mitsua market, went to have yummy french macarons at Euro Pane in Pasadena. Yeah, it was a fabulous weekend.

This morning it was back to business as usual. I decided to do some running since I had skipped my weekend long run. I did some speedwork on the treadmill. Still feeling some residual soreness from last week. Mostly better though. Also, after a weekend of leisure eating, it is back to more healthful eating. ;)


  1. ooh I like your backyard photos

    I still have regrets about that sakura mochi; next time!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I prefer Mentatsu for my ramen, but I can't argue about your choice for mochi!
