Thursday, September 24, 2009
Day 39 - Thursday
1 Buttermilk Spice muffin
1 broiled turkey patty
Dinner - 7:00pm
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Day 37 - Tuesday
1 cup Basic 4 cereal w/ soymilk
1/2 cup mixed fruit
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
Snack - 11:30am
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1/2 cup mixed fruit
Lunch - 2:00pm
Vegetarian indian food w/ 1/4 piece of naan bread
Snack - 4:30pm
1 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1 large banana
Run Practice - 6:30pm
Run 6.75 miles
Dinner - 9:00pm
3 oz of chicken meat w/ sauteed french green beans and brown rice
Baby tomato halves
Note: It felt like such a long day today. I was really tempted to skip run practice today but am so glad that I went. I felt so great afterwards. Hopefully I won't miss any more runs after this Saturday. Somehow I am going to have to make up the 14 mile run. I might run it on Monday.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Day 36 - Monday
1 cup Basic 4 cereal w/ soy milk
1/2 cup mixed fruit
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
Snack - 11:30am
1/2 fruit cup
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
Lunch - 2:00pm
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
Snack - 4:00pm
1 small red delicious apple
Dinner - 7:00pm - Santouka
1 bowl of shoyu ramen
1 pickled plum riceball
Note: This past weekend was spent helping Sister K move back into her dorm. I love the way her school has organized the moving in process. It is just one of those things I can go very wrong if a system was not in place. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me the whole weekend so I was not able to capture all the fun times. After we moved Sister K's stuff in, we all went to have a snack at her dining hall. Sister K stayed over at my place on Saturday and we hang out and than we had breakfast on Sunday morning, hit up Target for last min buys and than it was back to school. I spent Sunday helping Sister K unpack but mostly I was just hanging out pretending to be a student again. At my old age that seems like a stretch. I had a really fun time hanging out with Sister K at her dorm. Kinda made me miss my student life. It is awesome that she has her own digs this year so maybe I will come and hang out more if I have time.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Day 34 - Saturday
1 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1 banana
Run Practice - 7:00am
Run 20 miles
Snack - 11:00am
1 Ultragen recovery drink mixed w/ cold water
3-4 Accel gels
1 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1 small Gatorade
Lunch - 1:00pm
Dinner - 5:30pm
Note: Today is Sister K.'s move in day. It's another school year!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Day 33 - TGIF!
3/4 cup frosted shredded wheat w/ slivered almonds and soy milk
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1 cup hot green tea
Snack - 11:00am
1 cup mixed fruit cup
Midday workout - 12:00pm
Indoor spin bike - 45 mins (this could be the start of my tri training right here..hahaha)
Lunch - 2:00pm
Protein sushi roll w/ tuna, crab meat and cucumber, bit of lite soy sauce
1 cup hot green ginger candy tea
Snack - 4:00pm
Dinner - 7:30pm - Banh Mi & Che Cali
1/2 fried egg and cha sandwich on french baguette

About 2 months ago I was shopping at Mother's Market preparing for my drive to to SF for the half marathon and saw these ginger chews (Royal Pacific Foods - The Ginger People). I gotta say that ginger is not one of my favorite things. Accidently biting into a piece of raw ginger is like death to me. I like the taste of ginger just not in it's raw form I guess. However, I do love the properties of ginger...especially the one that allivates nausea and motion sickness. I am no stranger to these two ailments so I decided to pick up a pack since the drive to SF is long (being in a moving car for many hours is not a good thing for me). I think I first saw or learned of this product on Run to Finish's site. I think she was giving some away. I remember thinking to myself...yuck..who would want that. Apparently, I would! These things are so yummy and addictive. They are chewy, warm tasting and the bag says that you can throw a couple of pieces into boiling water to make a ginger tea. If you do use it to make tea, you will need to throw in at least 3 pieces. I find it better if you make a cup of tea and then pop one of these into your mouth for that ginger flavor. Otherwise the flavor tends to be too weak unless you use a couple of pieces and they are 40 calories per 2 piece. I have a bag of this stuff at my desk at work because for no apparent reason, every once in a while, I would get nausea just sitting in front of my computer. Maybe it is the radiation from the monitor or something (that's a terrible thought). Anyways, I try to limit myself to 2 pieces at most at any one time but they are just so addictive.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 32 - Thursday

1 cup frosted shredded wheat w/ slivered almonds and soy milk
1 iced soy latte
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
1/2 cup of mixed fruit
Midday workout - 12:00pm
Run 6 miles on treadmill
Snack - 1:30pm
1/2 cup mixed fruit
1/2 toasted mini whole wheat bagel w/ PB
Lunch - 2:00pm
Brown rice, sauteed french green beans and roasted chicken meat
Dinner - 7:00pm - Lee's Sandwiches
1 vegetarian sandwich at Lee's
1/4 piece of green coconut waffle
1/2 bartlett pear
Note: I've been getting to bed way too late at night and as a result have failed to wake up early enough to workout in the morning. I will try to get to bed earlier today. This saturday is the big 20 miler run. The longest we will have to run this training period. I am a bit concerned since I missed out on the 18 miler last week but I think that only adds to the fun of not knowing if I can finish it...hahaha. Yeah I still have those fears. Since I am not ready to BQ this time around, I can enjoy myself a bit while still trying to come in under 4. So in the aftermath of Nautica, I've been toying with the idea of training for a sprint tri. I was looking at the Pasadena Tri next year but it falls on the saturday right before the LA Marathon so that isn't a good idea. CSLBU Tri club also holds a pool swim tri that I am also interested in. Ultimately, I want to train enough to complete either the sprint or olympic distance tri at the Nautica next year. I don't know if this is a realistic goal. I will really need to get my act together and train hard and perhaps have my bike souped up a bit. Just a fun idea to think about this winter.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day 31 - Wednesday

Small burrito w/ 1 fried egg and turkey deli slice w/ salsa
Sliced pineapple and strawberries
1 mini chocolate chip corn muffin
Lunch - 2:00pm
1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
1 toasted mini whole wheat bagel from Thomas'
Snack - 4:00pm
4 mini caramel ricecakes w/ PB
Dinner - 7:00pm
1 bowl ramen w/ choy, egg and ground pork
1 cup iced passion fruit green tea w/ boba
Note: Don't think I am going to be able to get my workout in today. I will try to do another 8.5 mile run to work tomorrow morning.
Didn't get my run in today as there was a large meeting at work that I had to attend to.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Day 30 - Tuesday - Biggest Loser Premiere!!

1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
1/4 cup large red grapes
Snack - 11:00am
1/2 bartlett pear
Lunch - 1:00pm
Brown rice w/ sauteed french green beans and 1 roasted chicken drumstick
1 large honey green tea w/ boba and rainbow jelly from T.E.
Dinner - 6:30pm - Santouka
1 bowl of shoyu ramen
1 pickled plum rice ball
Note: Yes...Biggest Loser is back and I am so happy! I did not go to run practice today because my thighs are so sore from doing legs yesterday in the weight room. I guess it has been a while since I've worked out my legs. :( So weak!
Monday, September 14, 2009
2009 Nautica Triathlon Olympic Distance (Relay Race) - Race Recap
Location: Zuma Beach, Malibu CA
Finish: 10K - 50:11
This past Saturday a couple of teams from my company went out to Malibu to compete in the Nautica Triathlon Olympic distance relay race. It was such a great time. Special thanks to Sister K for being my cheering section at this event. Sister K was so nice to accompany me on this trip and she really kept my spirits up. She is such a trooper to wake up at 4:30am and go with me to the starting area at Zuma beach even before the sun is out. Our team did ok but we could definitely improve. I did my 6.2 mile run in 50:11, missed a PR by a couple of seconds. I am not happy about it as I had wanted to come in under 50. I actually feel very disappointed in my performance but I had so much fun doing this that the time is secondary to the experience. Lots of crazy things happened out on the course. The weather was really nice. It was cool in the morning but not cold and it was overcast the entire time of the event. It was ideal. The event really inspired alot of people who had never been a part of an event like this. This is speaking for myself as well as I had always wanted to witness a tri race. I hope one day that I can do one of these all by myself. One day! It was just amazing. I hope we get to do this again next year.
We arrived at Zuma Beach on a Friday afternoon to pick up out bibs and goodie bag.
We checked out the course maps.
I checked out the starting line for the running portion.
Here I am on race morning. Too early even for me.
The swimmers started around 7:30am for our division. Then our relay biker took off. I didn't end up running until almost about 10am.
Seriously, I think I was cross-eyed in all my running photos for this race. I think my sister also caught me in a photo with my eyes crossed..haha.
Here I am crossing the finish line for our team. That clock time is incorrect for our team since that clock is based on when the first wave of swimmers departed.
I got to keep the Nautica tri medal at the end of the relay since I was the runner. How would I share this medal with my other teammates...ahhh another reason why I need to just get my own next year...haha.
The male and female Olympic distance winners. I believe they are husband and wife. Such a fit family!
Everyone from our corporate team was invited to a catered champagne brunch at a nearby restaurant.
The food was okay.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Day 28 - Sunday
1 belgian waffle w/ syrup
1 cup of OJ
Lunch - 1:00pm
3/4 belgian waffle
Snack - 3:00pm
1/2 belgian waffle
Dinner - 5:00pm
1 grilled hotdog on a sesame bun w/ ketchup, mustard and baked beans
Snack - 8:00pm
1/2 cup green grapes
Note: Needless to say that my diet today was just awful! It's like I'm on the Belgian waffle diet. :(
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day 27 - Saturday
Run 6.2 miles
Brunch - 11:00am
Scrambled eggs, 2 mini blueberry muffins, 1 mini bagel w/ jam, red and green grapes
1 cup OJ
Dinner - 6:00pm - Brodard
Shared a bowl of blood cube congee and 1 bowl of bun bo hue with Sister K
1 shrimp paste roll w/ dipping sauce
Note: My meals today are just terrible. Good thing I don't eat like this everyday. Terrible!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Day 26 - Friday
1 buttermilk spice muffin
4 slices of watermelon
1 cup of coffee w/ sugar
Lunch - 1:00pm - Terri's Cafe
1/2 of a 1/2 lb burger w/ mushrooms, tomato, lettuce
Sweet potato fries
Dinner - 7:00pm - Gissini's Italian
Fresh tri-colored spagetti w/ arrabbiata sauce
Foccascia flat bread & crispy thin bread sticks
Note: Today I will be traveling to the the Nautica event area to check into my hotel, pick up my packet and maybe tour the route with the other team members. Tomorrow is the big day. I might not get a chance to fill in my food for today so I might do it tomorrow or the next day if I can remember everything that I eat.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 25 - Thursday

1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
1 tall OJ
1 cup mixed fruit cup
Lunch - 1:00pm
Salad (mixed greens, carrots, heirloom tomato, roquefort cheese, cucumber, balsamic vinegar)
1/2 cup capellini pomodoro
Snack - 3:00pm
1 cup green grapes
Small piece of banana bread w/ PB
Dinner - 7:00pm - Pho Bac
1 bowl of rare steak and tendon pho
Note: I am currently into this:

Note2: So I haven't been working out as much this week since the Nautica event is this Saturday but the real reason is because I hurt the ball of my right foot at run practice this week. Must have been when I was ripping up those hills. Yeah, note to self to not do that anymore. I felt great during the run but was hurtin' the next day. So here I am resting and letting it heal. Thank goodness it is getting less and less painful everyday. I am itching to go out and run but I must rest my foot. So I've been watching alot of anime after work. On another note, I will be missing my 18 miler this weekend due to the Nautica so I hope I am feeling ok on Sunday so I can do a 14-16 miler to make up for it. I really need to get that in so I will make it a priority to do so. Next weekend is my big 20 miler. We are only doing one 20 miler so I wonder how this will compare to when I did three 20+ milers with my other running group. Come October we will know.
Note3: Come next pay period and these will be mine...all mine...muhahaha! Haha...the funny thing about these lunch boxes is that they are not that large so they are perfect for packing normal size lunch and snack portions. I think they are so cute!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Roquefort Cheese

Day 24 - Wednesday

1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
1/4 cup green grapes
Snack - 11:00am
1 mini toasted ww bagel w/ PB
Lunch - 1:00pm
Salad (mixed greens, heirloom tomato, carrots, roquetfort cheese, 2 kho egg, balsamic vinegar)
1 cup capellini pomodoro
Snack - 4:00pm
1 large peach
2/3 large chocolate chip cookie (what?!)
Dinner - 7:00pm - Fukada
1 bowl of sensai hot udon noodle soup (yay!)
1/3 chocolate chip cookie from earlier
some green grapes
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 23 - Tuesday

1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
Lunch - 12:00pm - Santouka
1 bowl regular shoyu ramen
1 large honey green tea w/ boba and rainbow jelly (half sweet)
(I don't know what came over me to eat this sort of lunch but I had a moment of weakness.)
Snack - 4:30pm
1 medium nectarine
Run Practice - 6:30pm
Run 7.5 miles - interval
Dinner - 8:30pm
Salad (mixed greens, carrots, heirloom tomato, roquetfort cheese, cucmber, 2 kho eggs)
1 small slice of Red Baron pizza
Note: I had such a lazy weekend, I am kinda glad to be back to my routine. I was mostly laying around and eating but it was nice!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day 22 - Monday
Corned beef hash w/ breakfast potato and 2 eggs over easy
1 buttermilk spice muffin
1 small OJ and 1 cup of coffee w/ 3 packets of sugar
Lunch - 12:00pm
Dinner - 4:30pm
1 piece of pork ribs
1/4 cup baked beans
Some pasta salad
2 popiscle
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Day 21 - Sunday

1/4 large breakfast burrito (scrambled egg, sausage, and breakfast potato)
1 large OJ
Lunch - 12:00pm
Snack - 3:00pm
1 los rios currant scone w/ black cherry jam
1 medium nectarine
Dinner - 7:00pm - Tea Station
1 bowl of ramen
1 regular iced honey green tea w/ boba
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Day 20 - Saturday
Run 16 miles (done baby!)
Snack - 10:00am
1 Ultragen drink mixed w/ Cytomax bottled drink
1 Clif bloks
1 small Gatorade
6 Endurolyte pills
Lunch - 12:00pm - Side Street Cafe
1 bowl of mixed chopped fruit
1 piece of french toast
1 french fry w/ ketchup (apparently you CAN eat just one - yeah only because it was so hot in that restaurant that I wanted to melt)
Snack - 3:00pm
4 pieces of dried baby pineapple slices from TJ's
Salad (mixed greens, heirloom tomato, 1 kho egg and some kho pork pieces)
Snack - 4:30pm
1 piece of french toast w/ maple syrup
5 mini caramel ricecakes w/ PB and sliced banana
Dinner - 7:30pm - Takayara
1 bowl of miso ramen
1 regular honey green tea w/ boba and rainbow jelly
Note: So I did not have a good night last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with some weird stomach pains that I thought would prevent me from doing my long run today. I was worried. But then this morning I got up, dressed, packed my things and went to run practice. I must say that it was not an easy run as it was 90 degrees outside even early in the morning but the important thing is that I finished. I was soaking wet when I was done. I had to change my clothes standing next to my car out in the open as there was no where to change there really. The many shameless things that we runners do. Anyways, I am glad I got that out of the way as I plan to fully enjoy the long weekend. Going to spend some time at the in-laws beach house and spending time with my lovely sisters. We are going to eat snacks, play Wii and board games and go swimming in the ocean. I cannot wait.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Day 19 - Friday
1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
1 tall iced coffee w/ agave nectar from Starbucks
Snack - 11:30am
1/2 cup green grapes
Lunch - 1:00pm
Salad leftover from yesterday
1/2 cup green grapes
Snack - 3:00pm
1 medium nectarine
Dinner - 7:00pm - Macaroni Grill!
1/2 loaf of warm rosemary bread (yes, I did eat that much white bread, but only because I love it and I have a 16 miler tomorrow and bread or potato are my fuel of choice. Note that Mac Grill has some salty bread and I only ate that much because I know it will be a hot day tomorrow and I will need the extra sodium. I have lots of reasons for eating white carb...hahaha)
1 cup capellini pomodoro
Note: I have a 16 miler tomorrow morning. I just hope that it is not too hot. I love long run I strange? I decided this morning that I should take a rest day today to prepare for my run tomorrow. Ok so I it wasn't me who decided but someone suggested that I should take a day off. I normally don't rest before my long runs but since this long run is over 15 miles, I thought maybe it would be a good idea since anything over 15 miles is "long" to me. I always start to get weird after mile 15. It's like when you are running 26.2 miles and you start to get weird at around mile 22. That weirdness like you are almost there but not.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Day 18 - Thursday

1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
Lunch - 12:00pm
Frisee salad w/ pears, grilled chicken, blue cheese w/ port wine vinaigrette
1 cup green grapes
Midday workout - 1:00pm
Cardio - run 5.5 miles on treadmill
Snack - 3:00pm
1 chocolate protein drink
1 medium nectarine
Dinner - 7:00pm - Tea Station
1 bowl of ramen w/ minced pork, egg and chopped choi
1/2 honey green tea w/ rainbow jelly from yesterday
Note: I am having a serious chocolate chip cookie craving right about now. I baked some this past weekend but had not wanted them then but I want one.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Day 17 - Wednesday
1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
Snack - 11:00am
1/2 cup green grapes
Midday workout - 12:00pm
Cardio - stairclimber - 30 mins
(I was really hungry again after only 30 mins on the stairclimber so I had to finish up, shower and get some food. I am not doing a good job at fueling properly before my workouts. )
Lunch - 1:30pm
1 cup brown rice in pasta sauce
1/2 chicken, hummus, tomato, roasted red pepper in wheat wrap
1 medium nectarine
Snack - 4:00pm
1 cup green grapes
Dinner - 7:30pm - Santouka
Regular bowl of shoyu ramen
1/2 large honey green tea w/ rainbow jelly and boba
Note: Today is another day of massive cardio. Trying to build up my endurance and cardio strenght. I've not been doing too much weights lately and noticed that my guns are disappearing. I think I am glad. I am not sure. Nine more days until the Nautica.
Note2: Well for some reason, I was really tired yesterday afternoon so I did not go on that bike ride as I had planned.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day 16 - Tuesday
1/2 cup cooked rolled oatmeal w/ wheatberries, seedy nut mix and PB
Snack - 11:00am
1/2 small orange
1 Simple Harvest bar
7 mini caramel flavored ricecakes
Lunch - 12:30pm
Sashemi (tuna and halibut - 4 slices each) w/ seaweed and lite soy sauce
Cut up raw carrots
Snack - 2:30pm
Iced coffee w/ soy milk
Snack - 4:00pm
1 slice banana bread w/ PB and sliced banana
1/2 small orange
Run Practice - 6:30pm
Run 6.5 miles - intervals
Dinner - 9:30pm - Cha for Tea
Small honey green tea w/ boba
Note: I had an amazing run practice session today. At one point, I looked down at my Garmin and it was showing 6:30 pace. Anyways, it was really really humid out yesterday but I still felt great to run. I had gone to the chiropractor earlier in the morning and my back and shins were feeling so great. I had not gone to see the chiro in months. I think from the time that I got sick. My lower back and shins were bothering me and after hearing my coach tell me that it might be back related, I quickly made an appt to see the chiro. I don't know why I don't go more often. I almost always feel better after I go. Then I got home after stopping off at the market and did not feel like eating anything. I know that is really bad but it was so hot and I was so tired that would rather sleep than eat. Maybe I am doing too much.