
Monday, September 9, 2013

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

I love that Beatles song by the way.

Hello! I'm back. It's been a busy month in my world which is the excuse I'm using for why I haven't updated my blog in almost a month. ^_^ I recently moved and I don't have to tell you how awful moving can be. I'm just glad it's over and for the most part we've settled into our new place. I love my new place! It's bigger, brighter and most importantly located very close to one of my favorite running paths.

Speaking of running...I haven't been doing very much of it...mostly because of this...

Which has since grew into this...

Surprise!!! Oh yes, that's a "teeny person"  in the words of my friend Heather. I guess I'm bringing all this up now because I was supposed to be running the Big Cottonwood Marathon this coming weekend but over the summer I got some news that will forever change my life and caused me to withdraw from the race. I have to say that I have so much more free time on my hands these days. I never realized how much time I use to spend training for races. I've been running and training for so many years that it's been a hard habit to break. I never realized how much my running routine structured the other aspects of my life until now.

It took me awhile to wrap my head around this new development but over the course of these past few months I've done a complete 180 from obsessing about running to obsessing about the nursery theme and ultrasound photos. Don't get me wrong, I miss racing like you wouldn't believe but I'm just more excited about other things now.

And so my race calendar is currently empty for the foreseeable future. I only have one race on my radar for 2014 and that's the New York Marathon that I've been waiting years to run. I'm pretty excited and can't wait to start training for that next summer. I hope to complete all the "majors" one day so I'm excited to get to cross another one off the list. After New York, I'll need to travel internationally for the remaining ones. It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it. ;0)

It's a big day in the running community today. The 2014 Boston Marathon registration opened today and I had originally planned to sign up but I will be less than a month postpartum come next April so no matter how much I wanted to be there it was just not realistic. I wanted to go back mainly to experience the race as it is meant to be experienced but that will have to wait. Good luck to everyone who qualified this year. I hope you all get in! It is no doubt going to be a spectacular race weekend!


  1. I am so, so happy for you! Running will be there waiting for you. Enjoy your pregnancy and your new baby.I sure you will come back to running even stronger than you already are. I see so many woman having babies and then coming back so much stronger. Keep us posted on the progress! I can't wait to follow along.

  2. Yay! I was wondering when or if the little one would make their blog debut.

  3. Hurray!!! Congratulations to you!! And I will be at NYC too!

  4. Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly, and am excited to follow along.
