
Friday, July 5, 2013

2013 YMCA Run In The Parks - Race Recap

Date: July 4, 2013
Location: Laguna Niguel Family YMCA
Start: 7:30am
Finish: 10K // 00:46:47 (10th F OA // 2nd AG)

This was another race I signed up for on a whim with not a whole lot of arm twisting from friend Darren. We were supposed to sign up for the 5K but while I was filling out my registration form I decided to click the box that said 10K instead. This last minute change was due to the fact that I've already ran a couple of 5Ks this past year and I don't seem to be getting any faster at that distance. So I decided to try something new. Well not technically new because I've ran many 10Ks before but I think it's been something like 5 years since I've officially signed up for one. To think of it, I don't think I've ran a 10K since I started running marathons. Needless to say I don't think I have to leap very high to get over my previous PR bar. Low hanging fruit...that's what I'm all about these days.

Anyhow, I was not able to find an elevation profile for this course so I duplicated the course with MapMyRun (shown below at the end of post). Doesn't look too bad.

Friend Darren and I carpooled to the race which was held at the Laguna Niguel YMCA. We got there pretty early so we got a chance to walk around a bit and use the YMCA restrooms a couple of times before the start of the race. Real restrooms are always appreciated. Bib pickup was located in the indoor basketball court building. We got a cotton race shirt and some nice goodies in a drawstring bag.

The post race festivities was held on the soccer field which they were setting up when we got there. The start line was decorated with red, white and blue balloons and they provided trays of bagels and cut fruit and lots of bottled waters. There was even more food provided after the finish. I was not hungry but I saw large chocolate chip cookies, some nice looking sandwiches, bagels with cream cheese and fruit. I really love small local races. This race had about maybe ~900 participants and is currently in it's 35th year.

This event is very family friendly. They even have a contest for the most patriotic pup. Plus lots of fun things for kids.

There was also a kids' race with age specific heats...even a diaper dash.

I wasn't feeling very confident when I arrived at the race that morning and even though I managed to place in my age group for the 10K I felt like I had not given it my all. I might run another 10K in a couple of weeks to try to shave off a couple more minutes because I feel like I have it in me to do so if I focus a bit more.

Congrats to Darren for placing third in his age group for the 5K! His training lately has really picked up speed. :0)

I really liked this race because it is organized and there is something for everyone. There is even a pancake breakfast with all the fixings which is included in the price of registration. The course is nice and as the name suggests it is a run in the park. It is mostly flat but with enough ups and downs to make it interesting. I would definitely do this race again.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! I spent mine surrounded by friends and family and of course BBQ.

...and cake!

1 comment:

  1. That looks fun!! Congrats again on your AG win!

    City of Cypress - flat, fast, $25!! And, ice pops at the end...
