
Monday, June 3, 2013

Go Big or go home

I was in Vegas this weekend visiting family. It was a very quick turnaround trip. It was about a billion degrees. I spent some time here...

...watching my money run away from me.

My money wasn't the only thing running this weekend. I managed to get up early enough to get in a quick shakeout run before it got too hot. It was already 75 at 6am. I saw people running in the middle of the day when it was 100 degrees. I guess I'm just weak-sauce because I would have died.

When we got back into town, we had dinner at one of my favorite restaurant. I ordered my favorite salad. I licked the plate clean. The waiter jokingly (I hope) said that he has never seen anyone take down that entire salad in one sitting. I'm going to take that comment as meaning that I am the salad eating champion of that restaurant. I'm very proud of myself. ;0)

Last week, I went into a Lululemon for the first time in months to buy myself a "PR" present and noticed that it is very "spring" in there. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I didn't find anything I liked. Instead, I picked up a couple of Nike pieces at the outlet at Primm over the weekend. I'm sure they are going to get a lot of use as I start my fall marathon training this week. I'm going to ease back into training over the next couple of weeks and will have the entire summer to prepare.

Final thought and what the post title was really referring too. So what am I preparing for? This! (see photo below). The moment I started looking into this race, I knew I wanted to list it on the sidebar under "upcoming races".  Downhill course, smallish size coupled with some fantastic scenery...some of my most favorite things about a race. Plus, I've never been to Utah so I'm really looking forward to it. I have crazy fantasies about doing well on this course but my goals for this race are not definite and I probably won't be able to define them until some time down the line. At the very least I'd imagine it will be beautiful even if I'm slogging through it.


  1. I have my eye on Big Cottonwood too! I was just asking Pam if she has ever ran if before or if she knew anybody that has.I hesitated due to the 10,000 elevation level and the steepness but it has been in back of my mind. I have heard that the high elevation can be difficult if you are not acclimated to it. It is much steeper than M2B but maybe it will help me get closer to that BQ!

  2. I rarely find anything in store I like at Lulu. My closest one is small and has very limited selection.
