
Sunday, May 5, 2013

2013 PCRF Half Marathon - Race Recap

Date: May 5, 2013
Location: Irvine, CA
Start: 7:00 am
Finish: ~1:54

Happy Cinco de Mayo!! The weekend came and went so quickly that I didn't get a good look at it. Luckily, I was camera-happy and took a lot of photos.

We went to get some breakfast on Saturday morning at the Corner Bakery since it was across the street from the PCRF race expo where I went to pickup my bib for the half marathon the next day. I've been craving cinnamon rolls so this happened.

My family came down to spend the day with me. I love when they visit! We hung out and carbo-loaded at Kappo Hana. It was a great way to get ready for the race. If you are ever looking for an authentic home-y Japanese meal, this place might be what you are looking for. They had a lot of items on the menu that you don't normally find at any ol' Japanese restaurant. I can't believe that this was the first time I've eaten here seeing that it is not too far from me.

I woke up early (well early for me) on Sunday morning to get ready for my long run/race. Yes friends I had a 20-mile run on my training calendar and I was shaking in my Asics just thinking about it. Then, friend Darren got the bright idea last week to sign up for the PCRF and basically just do a 7-mile warm-up jog to the starting line since the race was practically in our backyards. I always thought people who did this was out of their minds and they are but this turned out to be the best idea EVER.

We started at 6am and got to the starting area almost in time. I said almost because by the time we arrived all the half marathon runners were already gone because this was a smaller race. We took a quick bathroom break, refilled our water bottles and headed to the starting line. It was at this time that we realized that the 5K or 10K was about to start and people were already lining up at the starting line. So we dodged and weaved our way to the front and ducked under the starting line tape and took off all by ourselves onto the course. We were the very last 2 people to start the half marathon. It was so weird to be starting a race all by ourselves. It was like a private race. So open and empty. I've never done that before. It was pretty cool!

We finally caught up to the last person on the course about half a mile in which was kind of a relief.  Plus, we managed to pass the part where the 5K/10K course diverted from the half before they started so we were in the clear from being run over by the speedy folks. Since we started late, we were 7-minutes behind the main clock the whole time and for some reason we didn't get a chip time. Not sure if that was due to us starting late or not. The results show my time as 2:01:09 but I think I finished in 1:54. I'm guessing because I didn't bother to reset my Garmin for the race so I only have data for the entire 20-mile run which was 2:57. I'm not really too concern since this was supposed to be a training run.

Believe it or not, this is my first time running this course in it's entirety (I paced friend Darren a couple of years ago for a few miles). I know, weird, since I live nearby but I liked it. It wasn't too hilly but it isn't completely flat either. It is a great event for the whole family to take part in. There is an event for everyone of all fitness level. The post race festivities included rides and games for the kids and even some food trucks. I didn't hang around too long to check it out but it looked like a good time. I did run by Heather and her daughters who were cheering near the finish line. I love the family vibe of this race. It's so awesome to see moms, dads, kids, friends and neighbors all coming out to participate. I have to say that this was the best and most fun 20-mile training run I've ever done. I would do this race again. I mean just look at that fabulous medal!

Oh and I finally got my Boston Stands As One shirt in the mail this past week so I wore it to the race. It is cotton but who the heck cares. Plus, I strangely like running in cotton shirts.

My reward for finishing up my run today...dim sum!


  1. Was this the one in Irvine? I'd considered doing it, but I opted for the OC instead. How was it in terms of crowds and organization?

  2. Never mind. I just saw your heading about the location. LOL.

  3. Heather told me you got there late and now I know why... I would be terrified starting that far back because I'd have a hard time catching up :D

    Great job speedy, love the medal!

  4. i'm glad you made it!! Thanks for running with Team Gab :D

  5. That Japanese rest. looks right up my alley. :) Great job on 20 my friend. Love the dedication!! :) Hope you're having a great week so far.
