
Friday, March 15, 2013


I spent most of this week adjusting back to my regular daily routine. It's been a busy week but for some reason it has dragged on. I had hoped to post more than once this week especially with everything that has gone on this past month but that didn't happen. Before more times passes, I want to at least put up some photos of the past couple of weeks. It's been crazy but amazing! I hope to be able to go more in details about my wedding and honeymoon but for now here are a few glimpses.

Wedding day!

Our honeymoon to the Turks & Caicos Island! This place is just spectacular! I will definitely go more in depth of the trip for those who are interested.

Finally, I am running the LA Marathon this weekend. It will be my 8th LA and my 21st marathon. I'm really nervous about this one as I am severely under-trained. I spent most of January and February finalizing details for my wedding and did absolutely no running while on vacation. I got back in town just in time for taper week. It's strange to call it "taper week" since I have not been running much. Poor planning on my part for sure. All I have to say is that sh%$ is going to hit the fan this Sunday. I'm going to use the race as a training run for Boston which is coming up in about a month. I have a couple of races in between the two which I am also not prepared for. I must have been nuts to think that I could pull this off. This is definitely not ideal but as always I will make the best of the situation or die trying.


  1. oongratulations on your wedding! I can't wait to see more pictures and to hear about LA. I'm sure you beat my 5:24 :)

  2. love your attitude my friend!! :)

    Turks & Caicos looks absolutely breathtaking!! Looking forward to more deets & pics! AND you were an absolutely gorgeous bride.
