
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Simply Fun-due

Two posts in one week...yeah I'm a rockstar this week!

I got off work a bit early yesterday because I had a big date with nine fine ladies at Simply Fondue!

I've never had fondue before so this was pretty exciting! Alcohol infused cheese dips. I know, right?

Keepin' it healthy by grillin' our food. So delicious! Now if only that garlic smell will dissipate out of my car, clothes, purse, hair, pores. That garlic smell has some hang time.

So if you must know, I live to eat dessert...yeah yeah the company was fun but THIS... I don't know what went on after they brought this out because all I saw were rainbows and butterflies and all was right with the world again. Yeah it was pretty much the exact same feeling that Skinnyrunner had when our waitress informed us that they were offering discounted martinis.

Rollin' Deep tonight! Thanks for a lovely evening ladies! Sometimes I forget that there is more to a Wednesday than work, thanks for reminding me about Fun!
Left-side front to back: SkinnyRunner, StridingMom, Me, Julie and HauteRunninMama.
Right-side front to back: Lil_yogini, Pam (fondue dinner mastermind!), HMGiraffy, Kaitlyn and HungryGazelle.


  1. I am a new follower! I was supposed to attend last night but have been under the weather and didn't want to get anyone sick! I hope I have a chance to meet all of you soon! Looks like you all had a good time and the food looks yummy!

  2. love the "simply fun-due!" :)

    great ladies, laughs & food. can't go wrong w/that combo! random weekday fun helps ease the week along. all work & no play makes frowns stay!! lol! I'm a POET!!! :)
