
Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Long Beach Half Marathon - Race Recap

Date: October 7, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA
Start: 7:05am
Finish: 1:50:02

I don't even know what to say about yesterday's race. I came, I ran, I went home. First race of the season and apparently my legs have forgotten how to "race" over the summer. I'm not even sore today. I realized as I was nearing the finish line that I still had gas in the tank. A sure sign that I was not pushing myself hard enough out on the course. I'm disappointed in my performance but will use this race as a wake-up call to my legs. I ran some pretty consistent paces...but for a marathon. I have another race coming up in a couple of weeks and I need to get my head back in the game.

For the most part, the weather was cooperating. It was still warm but it could have been worse. I must've forgotten how to hydrate myself during a race over the summer as well because I was sweating a lot out there and did not drink enough until near the end when I realized that I was really thirsty. I picked up the pace a bit after I finally stopped at a water station and drank 3 cups of water. My head was really out of it yesterday. You would think that after having ran so many races that this stuff would be second nature to me but apparently "use it or lose it" was what I learned yesterday.

And since I sucked, I thought that I would make mention of people doing some awesome things yesterday!

A couple of my blog-gy/Ragnar buds were out on the course yesterday handing out refreshments like the incredible spectators that they are. I'm just sorry that I did not see them. Maybe they are glad they did not see me. I would have hugged them with my sweaty self. Hi Heather and Julie, you guys rock! 

Blogger friends Sarah of OUAL PR'ed in the half and Monica of Run Eat Repeat PR'ed in the marathon. Sarah of Skinnyrunner and Pam both introduced Chicago to their speedy legs. 

Also, congrats to my IRL friend Rich who PR'ed his half marathon time by 20 minutes!! 

Borrowed from Heather


  1. I'm so bummed we missed you!

    If it makes you feel better, my legs have also forgotten how to race. Lame.

  2. Ahh you're so sweet - thanks for the shout out. Sorry your race didn't go as planned :( I missed Heather and Julie too, despite Sheila being right next to me and screaming out their names. Woops?

  3. I love hello kitty. You are a speedster. Can't wait to hear how fast you are when your legs ARE racing. Speedy.

  4. We need to meet one of these days!!!

  5. Maybe you need the cupcake on the pole....

    Outstanding race Madison!

  6. running is sometimes soo mental. it's easy to get caught up in our own head w/thoughts, etc. I'm sure you have a ton of things on your, etc. do you run w/music? sometimes if I know my own thoughts will distract me from concentrating on my race strategy, music is a great tool/assett!

    thank you so much for the shout-out Madison!! you're the sweetest! & girl you're speedy too! :) :) xo
