
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bring the Insane Pain


This week I started the Insanity Program with a couple of my coworkers. We are only doing it twice a week so we are not following the plan exactly, which is fine by me since my workout schedule is already pretty full.  We may eventually increase the number of days but for now two is good. I did the first fit test a couple of days ago. A series of eight exercises done for one minute each with rest in between.

Today we did our first official workout, the Plyometric Cardio Circuit and I have to admit that it brought the pain. It was a different kind of pain from my track pains or my crossfit pains...which is why I like it already.  Just to be clear, when I say "pain" I am referring mostly to muscle fatigue and not actual pain. Actual pain would be bad. The pain I am talking about is that kind that by the end of the workout, you are pretty much lying on the floor. I made the mistake of running 9.5 miles this morning so that didn't help the situation. I know now not to stack my day like this again.

It's probably going to take us like four months to complete the program but we are okay with that. After all I'm supposed to be training for a marathon. Remember? Yeah me neither.

Speaking of...the Long Beach Half is coming up in two weeks, it will be a good opportunity to see where I am with my training. I've been pretty good about sticking to my training schedule for the most part which is big for me since I am not really a "plan follower". My long run mileages are starting to increase and I'm getting that good old marathon training feeling back again (read: fatigue). For awhile, I didn't know how I was going to get from point A to point B but it's all coming back...sore ankles, name it, it's probably sore at this moment. I'm excited to get the chance to test out my race legs at the LB Half at the beginning of October and the RnR Half at the end of October. I was thinking of trying to get in another half sometime in November but based on past experience I think that will just be too much.

I'm putting together my costumes for Halloween as well as the RnR Half. I haven't decided on if I will wear one for LB. But here is a hint!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool, you'll love it, maybe. Just did that Plyometric Cardio Circuit today and yeah, it doesn't really ever get easy.
