
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1) The NY Marathon Opening Day was yesterday and looks like I didn't get selected for the second time. I'm kind of bummed about this since some of my running friends from work are going. Oh well. I'll have to wait and see if I still want to go in 2013. 

2) It was Administrative Professional Day yesterday and Sister K sent me this really cute ecard! <3 My boss gave me a gift certificate to that place that rhymes with "tutu". He's just the best boss EVER!

3) I'm headed to Big Sur this weekend. There is probably a race involved with this trip. I'm not going to lie, I plan my vacations around races. Don't you? If you say 'no', you are not my people. Okay, you might still be my people but we are definitely not running kindred spirits. You don't want to be my kindred spirit of any kind? Yeah me either. Why am I having a convo by myself here?

4) Okay I lied, there is a fourth thing. I played tennis for the first time in a million years. I even dug out my tennis playing outfit. Which reminds me that I need to go and get a new outfit. Maybe there is something nice over at that place that rhymes with "tutu".


  1. I don't know anyone that got into NYCM this year.

  2. I'm hoping to go to the place that rhymes with tut. Have my eye on some shorts that I want to run in this weekend... nothing new on race day, bah.

  3. My sister's boyfriend got in, but he says "I don't want to run, I only entered because everyone else did. Can I give away my bib?" What???

    Also, I want to run Big Sur next year...

  4. I am sad! I didn't win the NYM lotto this year *snif *snif. Now I need to look for a different Marathon in the moth of Nov.

  5. Gosh. At least I got some leftover cake for Admin Day. Have fun in Big Sur!

  6. Just found your adorable blog and need to check it out some more :) I was googling about Marathon Foto because I did the Country Music 1/2 on Saturday and am very impatient for the photos to be uploaded :) oh well. Hope you are having a good day!
