
Sunday, February 19, 2012

2012 Inaugural Rock n Roll Pasadena Half Marathon - Race Recap

Date: February 19, 2012
Location: Pasadena, CA
Start: 7:30am (corral 2)
Finish: 1:51:49

I woke up super early this morning all on my own. I was nervous and could not sleep. I got to the Rose Bowl area around 6am. There was a long slow moving line of cars into the parking lot. It took 30 minutes to get from the off ramp to a parking space. That's just terrible. Since I got there so early, I had a lot of time on my hands. So I used that time to walk around and warm up.

There were A LOT of porta potties here! Me likey!

Nice running temperatures today. I got into my corral about 15 minutes prior to the start. I spotted Emil in corral 1. He waved hello and shortly after, wave 1 took off. I was standing next to the 1:45 pacer because I always dream big. Unfortunately dreaming and actually doing are too very different things. I saw the very speedy Pam at some point, can't remember what mile that was but she was up there with the other speedy people. Hi Pam! Sorry I could not find you at the start. I also ran into Sister J at around mile 4 or 5. I don't think she saw me. I was waving like a lunatic but got tired so I just continued to run.

It's been many years since I've ran in this area. I think the last time I was here was for the Rose Bowl Half Marathon in 2008. I remember that was a difficult course for me at the time but then again that was when I first started running and every course felt difficult in their own ways. Today's course was fun and challenging and pretty similar to the RnR LA Half except that I didn't do so well today. Nothing was to blame, I just didn't train hard enough. Rock N Roll had advertised that if you beat your RnR LA Half time at the RnR Pasadena Half that they would send you a Brooks hat. No Brooks hat for me today. I battled shin splits the first couple of miles, had some sweet miles in the middle, poor pacing and then crashed and burned.

Mile 1 - 8:11
Mile 2 - 9:42 <-- shin splits and a potty break
Mile 3 - 8:43 <-- shin splits
Mile 4 - 8:17 <-- trying to make up time
Mile 5 - 7:45 <-- I would like to hit this more often. :)
Mile 6 - 7:49
Mile 7 - 8:09
Mile 8 - 8:32 <-- I went out too fast and started to fade.
Mile 9 - 8:57 <-- It's like I totally gave up here.
Mile 10 - 8:08 <-- I must have wanted that hat really badly.
Mile 11 - 8:22 <-- Not badly enough...
Mile 12 - 8:55 <-- Can't.Hang.On.Much.Longer...
Mile 13 - 7:45 <-- Just wanted to finish so that I can stop running.

Of course I have to talk about food even in a running post. When I got home from the race, my mom had breakfast waiting for me. Yes this is breakfast where we come from.

Then half an hour later, she made me lunch! Yes I ate it all! You make my mom happy. ;) Nom nom. I love you mommy!

Up next...LA Marathon!! Woohoo! Let's get it on!


  1. Hmm, I thought I had seen you, but you blurred right by so wasn't sure. Frankly, I didn't think anyone would recognize me in my big old shirt. Great finish time.. need to get someday when I'm more disciplined.

  2. Great race! Wow you had a good time even with the breaks and not feeling so good. love your mile by mile thoughts. haha. And of course, the food looks so yummyyyyyyyyy

  3. We'll make another attempt at LAM to say "hello." let's text each other next. are you taking the shuttle to dodger stadium? :)

    You still had a great time EVEN with a potty break!! :)

    You're mom is a sweetheart for making you yummy food. Looks like something my mom would make too. I had a noodle soup also after the race. It was sooo good!! :) refueling after a race is the best!
