
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Spectating the Socal Half Marathon

This morning was the running of the SoCal Half Marathon held in Irvine the first weekend of January. Believe it or not I did not run it this year even though it is literally in my back yard. My UC is acting up so I haven't been running as much as I would have liked but I woke up early this morning to cheer on my fellow runners.

The spirited ladies of Team Sparkle: Sarah, Kat, Heather and her daughter, Julie, some super short chick and Margot. When I saw Heather's tweet a couple of weeks ago about being out on the course on race morning to cheer on the runners, it occurred to me that this was the perfect opportunity for me to still be a part of the race without running it. Plus I would get to spend some time with some of my Ragnar teammates.

I'm such a rookie at this race cheering stuff, unlike Sarah who came with an actual cowbell or Heather who came with posters or Julie who came with extra cowbells and mimosas (thank you for lending me a cowbell!) or Margot who came with orange slices. Gah! Next time!

It was actually really fun to spectate and cheer, plus we coordinated the heck out of those Sparkle skirts. Hehe. It wasn't even planned. Being a spectator did make me realize that I need to be more interactive with the crowds the next time I run a race.

Photo borrowed from Sarah

I left my cheerleading duties early because Sister K was in town and I wanted to spend time with her.

We went to the farmers market to pick up some produce for the week. Then we went to a late lunch at a Korean restaurant. I will post about that at a later time.

I've been craving strawberries but they have not been looking very good in the markets but today I saw these organic ones and they are amazing!

Since we had a late lunch, we made this snack later on in the evening to eat while watching Chopped. Calling it a day! Good night!


  1. Soooo much fun at the cheer party :) Glad you were able to make it!! And thanks so much for the muffins

  2. So fun! The muffins were delicious!
