
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Eye On The Prize

There isn't a word to really describe how I feel after spending a couple of days at my parents' house where they fed me 3 large square meals a day with snacks in between and me not working out what-so-ever. The closest word I can think of is "poopy". Yeah I feel like poop. 

I just enjoy food way too much! I will always have a weakness for overindulging on my parents' cooking because they are such amazing cooks. Not complaining! Just emphasizing my lack of self control. 

I haven't gotten a decent run in since December 17. It wasn't because I was lazy. It was because I'm a procrastinator that worked too many hours the month leading up to Christmas, so I had to do all my shopping a couple of days before Christmas.

It's all over now! I'm doing a little happy dance on the inside. Good riddance, I don't have to do this again for another year. 

I finally got a run in today so things are looking up. I contemplated signing up for the SoCal Half and promised myself that if I put in enough training that I could reward myself by signing up for that race. However, I feel so sluggish from just a couple of days of non-activities that I am doubting whether or not I will be able to put in a good performance at that race. 

Frankly, I am a little over running a race for fun. That should be what training is for. I always feel like I use that line when I don't plan to or want to train hard. There are exceptions of course. I mean I did run Surf City this year while I was coming out of a cold for fun. I also ran the Knott's 10K with Sister K for fun. And I did run Big Sur and the Disney Half for fun so that I could take photographs along the way. But for all those other times when I said that I was running something for fun, it was mainly because I wasn't focused on training and decided to mail it in once again. I'm saying all this because 2012 is the year of no excuses...well it is for me. Unless I get sick, side-lined or if I am indeed actually running a race for enjoyment of the surroundings or running with someone. 

I will be posting up my 2012 fitness and personal resolutions in a couple of days to help me focus and realize all my goals this year.


  1. There's something about paying a lot of money to someone so I can punish my body all in the name of "fun". I can punish my body for free....

    Now, please, some more of row 2 column 2. With more whipped cream.

  2. Yum!!!! I don't know how you could ever leave your parents' house with all that good food there! Looks delicious!
