
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Party Three of Four

Sunday after I ran the Holiday Half Marathon out in Pomona, I immediately got in my car and made the 45-minute drive back to the OC so that I could get ready for party number 3! The parties are winding down and I am almost to the finish line.

This next comment is going to make me sound like a Scrooge but I don't really care for this time of year. Everything just gets crazy! People driving fast from one store to the next trying to buy the latest crap. The stores are crowded with people who quite frankly are just rude around this time of year. I mean do we really need all this crap? Plus it is cold and I'm not a big fan of being cold. I was born in Southeast Asia and lived in California almost my entire life so anything below 50 is cold to me. I'm sure if I lived in New York my entire life I would acclimate to those temps but honestly I just don't think I would survive there. I went there a couple of years ago right around this time of year actually and I was pretty cold. I wore my ski jacket the whole time I was there. I was still cold. Alright, that's my yearly holiday rant. Let's move on.

Back to holiday parties. So holiday party number 3 was held at a venue overlooking Laguna Beach. Nice right?

The venue was built in the 1920s and filled with antique furniture and decor. I love antiques!

Casino tables as a part of the party's 1920s theme. 

I dressed up as a flapper but I took off my feather headpiece just prior to taking this photo. Bad timing because that thing was really cute! [note: that's a chocolate cigar by the way. ;) ]

Edit: Found a photo later of me with the head piece on.

Strangely we were seated at the Flappers table. :)

I was so distracted that I forgot to take photos of the salad course (butter lettuce salad) and the main course (braised short ribs). I did get a photo of the second course which was a lobster risotto. This was the best dish anyways. 

Dessert was served buffet style. Just the way I like it! ;)

I spent quite a bit of time here during the course of the evening. I'm starting to develop a "fake" gambling habit I think. By the time the evening came to a close, I was extremely exhausted as I had been up since 5am that morning because of the half marathon. And then there was one...


  1. DANG you cleaned up nice after kicking 13.1 miles of ass a few hours earlier! What a fun event and gorgeous venue

  2. I feel the same way about this time of year. And the cold... when you're not running, it's not that good.

  3. Sarah: thanks lady! It was good seeing you at the start line. I'm crossing my fingers for you to resume more living conditions soon.

    J: I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)
