
Friday, November 4, 2011

Foodbuzz Welcome Reception & Awards Dinner

I'm going to make this quick because if I don't post this up now, I'm probably never going to get to it. Plus, I am really sleepy after eating all that delicious food at the Foodbuzz Welcome Reception and Awards Dinner. Get this...I didn't win any awards, shocking right? I came for the food anyways and it was all good!

Some bad photos are about to follow due to very low lighting in certain parts of the Terra Gallery. Basically just about any where I happened to be when I want to take a photo it seems.

Bloggers doing what they do best, networking. I am terribly shy so this was a nightmare for me. I guess I was suppose to come prepare with some blog business cards to hand out. I didn't have any. It was a travesty! Although I did meet some very nice people here and found some new blogs to read.

And of course the food kept me company. Because you know, they don't judge. This spread was sponsored by Sabra!

So this was plate one of seven. What? I eat when I am nervous. Thank goodness it was mostly healthy.

Later we all headed upstairs for a buffet style dinner. These were winning recipes submitted by bloggers for a Foodbuzz contest. I had a piece of chicken (upper left-hand corner of photo) and it was good. A bit undercooked but good.

Small plate action station consisting of a pork belly dish and a seared scallop dish. They were both outstanding. I especially enjoyed the seared scallops served with mashed potatoes, roasted cauliflower and sliced green grapes. I took a bite with all the elements of the dish and it worked well together. I might try to replicate this at home.

More amazing food sponsored by Electrolux. The photo in the center are salt cod cakes and they were so crispy.

So I had already eaten too much by the time they started setting up the dessert buffet but I just could not say no to dessert. I mean how could I, just look at it!

So my photos are terrible because well first I have a point and shoot and second this was my light source.

There was so much food and eating going on that you almost forget that this is a gallery with pretty art on display. This one caught my eye.

Hosted bar!

Deanna Brown, CEO of Federated Media started up the award ceremony. I didn't hear half of what she was saying because the mic was either on too low or people in the room were just talking too loud over her.

Jen Che, winner of last year's Project Food Blog Contest. She was telling a nice story about how she was donating the money she won from the contest to a charity but I only heard half of that story as well since people in the audience were talking even louder amongst themselves at this point, at least where I was sitting. It's a shame because she was actually doing something nice for her community but half the people there weren't even paying attention.

 Wow, who's plate is this? What a pig!

Fine, it may have been mine.

The line for the dessert buffet was crazy long at one point.

Dessert made by Sabra...hmm, could it have hummus in it? Don't know but it was not tasty.

Found Sister J in the crowd downstairs towards the end of reception so we sat next to each other at dinner. Here she is enjoying a watermelon flavored beer.

A nice warm cup of tea to put an end to an evening of over indulgence. If only I was running a marathon tomorrow to burn off all the calories I stuffed in my face today. I'll be good when I get home. Promise. Good night!

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