
Sunday, November 20, 2011

A 10 Mile Run

This week I started my training cycle for the Los Angeles Marathon coming up on March 18, 2012. I know that seems like ages away but I really want to improve my running base pace for that race and that means that I am planning on starting from scratch and building up. I am just coming off of a race recently so I have that base to build up from. I think I mentioned that I am not signed up for too many marathons next year because I want to focus more on improving my half marathon finish time and also to work on my marathon race pace. I guess next year is the year of 'less is more' and hopefully "more" means faster.

I went on my first official long run for Operation Run Faster (that's what I'm calling this training cycle). I will be logging my miles and pace more diligently to monitor my progress. Here are the stats from that 10 miler. Not entirely consistent but not that much off base either. I think my current race pace is a 9 minute mile and I want to make that number go down. I will use the next couple of weeks to assess my abilities and see what a realistic goal will be for me.

Mile 1 - 9:12                          Mile 6 - 9:04
Mile 2 - 8:42                          Mile 7 - 8:54
Mile 3 - 8:40                          Mile 8 - 9:13
Mile 4 - 9:14                          Mile 9 - 8:31
Mile 5 - 9:39                          Mile 10 - 8:31

This will be my bible for the next couple of months. I have a lot of work to do! Good thing I like to run.


  1. Hello Madison! I found your blog through other running related blogs and have been a long time lurker. I decided to finally post to say that I love reading and seeing all the delicious food! I especially love your race reports and I like following your progress. I have somewhat similar racing history as yours, but just recently started to actually want to improve my times. I look forward to following your training cycle for the L.A. Marathon! I used to live in California and L.A. was my first and most repeated marathon! Good luck!

  2. SJ: thanks for the nice note and for reading! Do you still run LAM?

  3. No, it's been a while :-( I live in Texas now but would love to do LA again whenever I'm back there! That's why, for now, I'll just relive it through reading your race report :-) heheh
